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hi, dewey man here.

i want to write about the WWA postponding there european tour until november. the WWA said they postponed it cause of low tickets in germany but the ireland tour was nearly a sell out. so the WWA postpond the two tours so they will be a long side the u.k. tour in november. now i see why people are angry at the WWA, i was angry at frist but then i said to myself, there are coming in november so thats not so bad.

but when i went onto the WWA website people were calling the WWA some strong names which i will not say, but some of the fans were saying how they can wait to get a refund and never buy anyting to do with the WWA ever again, and saying that this is the last time they are going to this crapie website. i could not belive this, its not like the WWA f**k you, we are not going to your small country. its not like the WWA cancelled all together, they just postpond it until november and the WWA fans turn there back all together, THAT IS JUST WRONG.

well the dewey man is a WWA fan for life and i hope there are many, many more.