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Andrew McManus Came out and welcomed us to the show. He then introduced Disco Inferno! Disco Came out and ran down Dublin then introduced the guys
for the first match!

Shark Boy Bt. Spyder 'Nat' Webb

Shark Boy got a good pop. Bit of heat for Webb mostly cause no one had a clue who he was. Ok Match to start off. Classic spot with Shark Boy biting Webb on the ASS then doing the same to the ref. Shark Boy getting the 1-2-3 with a Diamond Dust!

Disco got back into the ring and introduced the new WWA Commish, former WCW Commish. Mike Sanders. Sanders actually got a nice pop from the Dublin crowd. He announced Disco would face Nathan Jones in a tag match! He said Sting/Luger would take on Malice and Buff and Sabu Would take on Simon Diamond, both to good pops. He then started to talk about the former WWA Champion Steiner and the Tournament to crown a New champion in Glasgow. This brought out Joe. E Legend who challenged Sanders and we had a match for later in the evening.

Konnan Bt. Norman Smiley

K Dogg Got loads of heat for slagging off Dublin women. Smiley got a good pop. K Dogg won with a face buster. Big Pop for the BIG wiggle. Short match could have been a bit better.

Nathan Jones/Frankie "The Future" Kazarain bt. Disco and Swinger

Konnan took over commentary. Really Really impressed with Frankie. He's one for "The Future". Jones is huge. Jones Wins with a Sitout Powerbomb. Great Tag Match Jones is Over big time. Disco is Very funny.

Teo Bt. Puppet

Midajah was the special ref. Puppet start waffling on Teo came out and the match began. Puppet took control and dominated for most of there match. Teo got a little offence and was able to pull out a victory after a top rope somersault senton. Saturn then came out beat up the too midgets and left with Midajah.


Sanders Bt Joe E. Legend

Sanders looked to be trying to work out some ring rust. Few missed spots but a Great Effort from both men. Joe E. can really work a crowd classic heel Sanders fell off the top rope and serious looked hurt. Still able to pull out a victory with a super kick. During the match it was announced that Perry Saturn had been added to the Diamond/Sabu Match and it was no DQ which was greeted by lots of ECW chants.

Sabu bt. Simon Diamond and Saturn

Match of the night. Diamond is a great wrestler. Sabu went for the triple jump early but got crotched. Teo and Puppet came out to get revenge on Saturn and ripped off Midajah's top. Saturn then left to bring Midajah to the back which left Sabu to hit the Triple jump for the 1-2-3 Sabu was Way Way Over the Dublin crowd Loves him. Loads of Moppy chants toward Saturn

Sting/Luger bt. Malice/Buff

Sting WAY WAY WAY over. Got the win with Death lock on Buff and the rack on Malice at the same time. Very short maybe a 5 minute match but the reaction for Sting was great. During the match Luger pulled Buff's tights and he's ASS came out. not pretty sight I tell ya!

Good show. Arena was almost full I'd say nearly 2500 people there.

Biggest Pop:
1. Sting
2. Sabu
3. Sanders
4. Jones
5. Shark Boy

Biggest Heat:
1. Disco (crowd all over him all night)
2. Joe E. Legend
3. Buff

Credit: Billy Kilduff