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Exclusive Interniew with David Arquette by Brandon Finch

I was in Tulsa at a Sci Fi convention with friends and who should be in
attendance, but former WCW champion...DAVID ARQUETTE! He was promoting his new summer movie "Eight Legged Freaks." I got a chance to talk to him and asked him a couple of wrestling related questions.

Q. What was your take on being the WCW champion?

A. It was a lot of fun and being a wrestling fan I really enjoyed it. WCW didn't want me to get hurt, but what I did get to do was a blast.

Q. You were seen on WWE ringside the last time they were in Los Angeles. Is there a future for another former WCW champion in WWE?

A. No, I was there as a fan. At one time we were going to do some cross promotional work for my new movie "Eight Legged Freaks." I was game, but the "suits" were afraid I'd get hurt and for insurance reasons it didn't happen. They have just had ads run for the movie on RAW and SMACKDOWN. We also have some ads for the movie on their web site.

I just wanted to say that if you loved or hated the storyline in WCW one thing remains true ... David Arquette is the man! He was totally approachable and really nice. The other cast and crew headed backstage after they did publicity for the film, but Arquette signed autographs for a good five minutes. Later, he walked around the convention and signed autographs. He walked around the
convention and talked with the fans. Didn't get to ask him if there will be a "Ready to Rumble 2"...he seemed like too nice of guy for that.