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Hey and welcome to the first column for WWAFANZ! As I write this it's two days till Eruption. A lot has changed since Revolution in Las Vegas. Nathan Jones is the new WWA champion and the WWA is now minus several of their top tier wrestlers. Yes, folks welcome to the exciting world of wrestling where anything can happen and 9 out of 10 times a person involved in wrestling will eventually work for Vincent K. McMahon!

So where does that leave Andrew McManus and Jeremy Borash? Well, they still have Scott Steiner, several cruiserweights, a few WCW mid carders, and those wacky bloody midgets! Is it the end of the world? NO. These things happen. Defecting talent and snags in promoting a card is why it's one of the most stressful jobs in the to dentists and air traffic controllers. Could this have been avoided? YES. Will they learn from their mistakes? PROBABLY NOT. But have no fear because I see some light at the end of the tunnel. Here's a list of some of the GOOD things with a few BAD things thrown in for good measure.

1. NATHAN JONES - Big shiny good thing. He's a guy that was a WWF developmental talent, but because of his visa (travel documents not the credit card) he can't go to the United States. Apparently, Nathan was a bad boy in his earlier years which has come back to him. This makes him untouchable by Big Bad Vince. The guy is only a few years in the sport, but his physical attributes can't be denied. And as I said before he will only be seen in the WWA. If promoted properly he could be a wrestler that is instantly associated with the promotion. WWA is in desperate need of this since most of the talent roster are hired guns. Nathan scoring victories over Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner is a good direction for Australia's own.

2.) THE INTERNATIONAL FANS - Wrestling has pretty much peaked here in the United States. However, this is not the case overseas. Fans in the UK and Australia are still very rabid for pro wrestling. McManus saw this and the WWF has quickly taken notice. If you have a strong fan base you can go far...just ask Paul Heyman. The UK and Australian fans have shown no sign of growing weary of pro wrestling.

3.) W.W.N.T.G. - ...or as I like to say Wrestlers With Nowhere To Go. With the WWF having very few spots open (except if you're over the hill or a prima donna with a horrible work rate) with their company a lot of wrestlers are left out in the cold. This at fist was to the WWA's advantage, but the WWF seemed to very quickly take an interest in wrestlers like Dustin Runnels, Curt Henning, Eddie Guerrero, and Rey Mysterio Jr. when upstart promotions were building their promotion around them. There are still enough W.W.N.T.G.' s around, but startup promotions have become a little more cautious before promoting events too far in advance. The one thing to keep in mind is that Buff Bagwell may not be a huge draw in the WWF, but he sells enough tickets for a startup promotion.

4. SCOTT STEINER - It at first was thought that Big Poppa Pump was a sure thing in the WWF. With him being heavily involved with the WWA promotion in Australia and being on the UK tour one has to wonder that maybe Steiner may be a main stay. Of course the same thing was thought of Jarrett and look how that turned out.

5. BLOODY MIDGETS - Tito and Puppett have brought something new to the promotion. Something that can't be seen anywhere else. There may be a reason for that, but these guys are just so damn entertaining!

It's uncertain what will happen in the next few months, but one thing is sure...expect the unexpected!

Brandon Finch