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Brandon Finch

Well, it's been a slow month or so in wrestling....I'm kidding! I just unlocked my sarcasm key on my laptop so let's run it down in case you've been living under a rock. Scott Hall and Curt Hennig was fired ...the WWF lost a legal battle with a panda and had to get the "F" out...Goldberg is a free agent... Ed Ferrera, A.J. Styles, Ken Shamrock, Mike Tenay, and Puppett all joined the Jarrett family in the NWA...Joey Styles has returned to broadcasting with a promotion called Major League Wrestling... Sid left the WWA commissionership after a falling out with Andrew McManus...WWA canceled tours and then rescheduled and...moving along ... and finally the wrestling world mourned the loss of Davey Boy Smith, Lou Thez and Wahoo McDaniels. I think the only thing that didn't happen is....well I can't really think of anything that didn't happen so I will indeed move on.

I'm going to make a few comments about things previously mentioned here at PINFALLS and just basically what's been going on. The WWA has said good-bye to Sid Vicious. The first reports claimed the tour was canceled because of his injuries, but I'm afraid if you believe this then I have some swamp land in Florida I can sell you. WWA has been reported to have had discussions with Chyna aka Joanie Laurer and Barry Bloom who is Bill Goldberg's agent. Both talks were apparently fruitless. In the further bad news Nathan Jones has been trying to get his travel visa problems sorted out so he can travel to the United States where a developmental contract is waiting for him with the WWE.

Okay, for something that might cheer you up....actually I don't really have anything that even can be wrapped up as good news for you in regard to the WWA. I will say that as long as J Sports and Entertainment's NWA is going strong, which it appears to be doing so, then things could still happen for the WWA. WHY? Well, I think when the smoke clears Jarrett's company will have the ppv thing going on and he'll work with Andrew McManus to take the show on an international tour. The way both promotions have been relaxed when using what normally would be carefully guarded talent you have to think that they are both trying to help each other. Some of the first names mentioned for Total Non Stop Action were WWA mainstays.

If you've read this column before you know this is pretty much been the line of thought from the start in regard to the NWA/WWA. If you haven't read this column before....SHAME ON YOU! Anyway, I think after a slow moving April things are off to an intense start. The only wishes I have as we end this month is that we don't have anymore wrestling losses. Heaven is getting pretty crowded up there and we still need some of these guys here with their fans, friends and families. On a totally unrelated note....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME ON MAY 28TH!
Turning 28 on the 28th and I have to say I wouldn't change a thing! Well, maybe that time I bet my friend five bucks that Enuff Znuff was going to be the next Motley Crue, but that's a story for another time. Have a nice day and don't worry if you don't get that obscure music reference. I'll just say I'm glad I know more about wrestling than I do popular music.