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7th April 2002 @ Sydney Entertainment Centre
(House Show)

1. Jerry Lynn & Nova d. AJ Styles & Chucky (Australian Wrestler)

2. Funkster d. Carl Ouellet

Hardcore Midget Match:
3. TEO d. Puppet

*Scott Steiner comes out after the match with Midajah and beats down on the midgets.

4. Bagwell & The Cat d. Stevie Ray & Disco Inferno

No Rules Match:
5. Sabu d. Devon Storm

6. Evening gown match:
Midajah d. Queen B.

*After Midajah had stripped Queen B. of her clothing, the midgets came out and ripped Midajah's clothes off, after what happened earlier in the night, thus forcing Steiner out too beat up the Midgets, which then promted Nathan Jones too come out and save the midgets, thus setting up the main event.

WWA Title Match "Four Corners Match":
Nathan Jones d. Grand Master Sexay, Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarret

*Nathan Jones chokeslammed Jeff Jarret for the win. After the match, GMS stayed around and told Nathan Jones that it was time to party, in the ring they danced and brought three fans into the ring, two very good looking girls, which GMS continually tried to get with. Disco came out too the ring and was bashed, a young boy who was under 10, boot bashed Disco, then he was thrown out of the ring by the new WWA Champion, Nathan Jones

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