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Warrior Speaks about Andrew McManus

"I write this because I have in the last couple of years had discussions with people about making that “in the ring” reappearance. I get many requests from independents. Some time ago I discussed the idea with this guy named Andrew McManus, who was taken to be respectable. But somewhere in the middle of the negotiations he begins to make announcements as if I had committed myself. I think that would take a signed agreement, which he did not have. He seemed to believe this was okay. I saw it as sign that something wasn’t straight up about this guy. I let him know this and, he, instead of just being a man’s man saying “my interest is no longer there,” goes behind my back bad mouthing me and my character. I found out and ceased any further discussion about ever working for him. I have a “Superstars” file on my computer that holds 27 different correspondences from 01.16.01 - 03.12.01 which verify the truth of all this. But what does the guy go on to do? He continues to advertise me to appear anyway and when I legally handled this, he lies and blames the entirety of cancellation on me. I’m not sorry to say this: I do not work with people who conduct themselves that way. I don’t care if they have a mint that makes money. And so it goes."
