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> How was doing a a major show like the WWA,
> any plans on going back?

NW- Wrestling on the WWA pay per view was a great
experience, and it helped "Native Blood" get world
wide exposure. We would love to wrestle for the WWA
again in the future.

Has the WWF contacted you or your
> brother yet?

NW- I have done work for the WWF in the past, I
wrestled such superstars as Scott Hall (Razor Ramon),
Fatu (Rikishi), Hakushi, Yokozuna and Owen Hart. Just
last week I was scheduled to wrestle Randy Orton in a
dark match during the Smackdown Tapings, but our match
was pulled due to time restraints. As a tag team we
have wrestled in front of WWF talent scouts, but not
for the WWF itself.

> how was it backstage around some guys you've never
> met?

NW- At the WWF shows, the guys go out of their way to
introduce themselves to you and are very friendly.
When we did the WWA show everyone there made us feel

> has xwf offered you a job?

NW- The XWF has not offered us a job, but we have been
talking with the bookers about possibly doing work
with them in the future.

> planning to work with the jarret promotion?

NW- We are going to send them our information, and if
they are interested in using us we would happily work
for them.
> favorite place to work?

So far my favorite place has to be Tokyo Japan. I am
just amazed with the amount of respect the Japanese
fans have for the business.

> and What is the deal as of now with wwa upw and awa?

NW- The WWA has not contacted us since the PPV, I do
not know if they have any plans for us in the future.
We are still wrestling for UPW and we represent UPW
when we wrestle for Zero-One in Japan. We are
currently one of the top contenders for the UPW Tag
Team Championship. The AWA has been keeping us busy
since winning the AWA Tag Titles, we have had numerous
successful defenses.
Thank You,
Navajo Warrior