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Part 1 Make you own estimate

1) Gather the facts from the story (hint: how far could they have walked?).
2) Draw a picture
3) Calculate the area of your drawing/shape.

Part 2 Find the territory on a map and calculate the area

1) Find a map of the territory
2) Divide the territory into usable shapes
3) Calculate the area of these shapes
4) Sum to find the total area

Part 3 Make a second estimate, be creative

1) Using modern technology, infrastructure, and today’s superior athletes how much land could we have purchased today?
2) How far could they have walked today?
3) Repeat procedure in step #1

Part 4 Compare can conclude in written form

1) Compare your estimate (Part 1) with the area given in the story.
2) Compare the mapped area (Part 2) with the area given in the story.
3) Consider your 2nd estimate (Part 3), does it make sense?
4) Conclude by stating observations and any additional findings.

SE Pennsylvania Map

NE Pennsylvania Map

NC Pennsylvania Map

SC Pennsylvania Map

Formulas for Area

Map my run website

Ultra-Marathon Pace

North Central PA                        Northeast PA

South Central PA                               SE PA

Links to Walking Purchase WebQuest

Introduction/Homepage | Task | Evaluation | Conclusion | Extended Learning
