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Before you can begin searching each group member needs have a role. 

Web Quest Navigator - This person is in charge of the mouse and clicking through the Web Quest.
Web Quest Recorder- This person is in charge of plotting Mrs. Masey’s journey and taking notes in the travel journal.
Web Quest Decision Maker- This person is in charge of making sure the group is working together. If the group can’t come up with a decision, the Decision Maker will make the choice.
Web Quest Presenter- This person is in charge of sharing the group’s final product with the rest of the class.
As you travel along with Mrs. Masey, you will need to take some notes in your travel journal to assist you in your final presentation. Here is what you will need to do: • Write the place that Mrs. Masey traveled to and plot it on the map. • Write at least three facts about the place in your travel journal. • Decide as a group which place you thought was the best and would like Mrs. Masey to take the class back to. • Use the notes gathered in your travel journal to include in your presentation to the class.

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