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You Know You Like Heero Too Much When...

If you have any please send them to me please.
1. You have to buy a new TV because you broke your old one by drooling all over it.
2. Same with your computer moniter.
3. You carry around a picture of him and introduce him to everyone as your boyfriend. When they say that he sucks you scream at them that just because he's a little "dimensionally-challenged", it's no reason to hate him.
4. When your friend hands you an invitation to her/his birthday party, she/he says you can only come if you don't talk about Heero the whole time. Elise is so mean!
5. You have a pencil case with him on it. Picked one up in Chinatown
6. You (code)name your dog/cat/pet after him.
Better yet: you code name YOURSELF after him. -Michelle (code-name: Heero Yuy)

7. You sell your parent in a garage sale for five bucks so you can buy a new poster of him. Mom, don't get mad!
8. You run up and down the hallways at school declaring your love for him at the top of your lungs. I just barely got out of a detention for that!
9. You dress like him. -V
10. You know how to use the death glare thinga. -V
11. You read every fanfic about him no matter who he's paired with. -V
12. You can perfectly recite the entire series and movie and mangas and illustrated novels. -V
13. One of your parents dub him "Origami Sammi". My step-dad is so weird!
14. You know you're the perfect couple because you're always together. You had him tattooed "somewhere".
15. Your friends know to ignore what you're saying whenever "Hee" or "Gu" comes out of your mouth. -Elise
16. You wake up at four in the morning to go over to your boyfriend's house to do his hair like Heero's even though it's physically impossible to get bangs to look like that. -The All Powerful and All Knowing Number 1 Soba-sama Yes, my friend is an intelligent buckwheat noodle!
17. You eat lunch with him everyday. He's on your lunch box. It's so purtiful *strokes lunch box that was $20*
18. You have trouble pronouncing the word 'Hero', and it always comes out 'Heero'. My English teacher gets mad at me
19. You get a picture of Heero and frame it. -Heero Lover
20. You sleep with that picture by your bed. ^_^ -Heero Lover
21. You spend all your money on things Heero. -Heero Lover
22. You buy a DVD player to watch the Gundam Wing DVDs that you bought. >.< -Heero Lover
23. You practice waking up without changing any of your vital signs.
24. You're going to dress like him for halloween no matter what the temperature.
25. If it's too cold you wear his stolen oz uniform but to make sure you're not mistaken for Trowa you stick your finger in everyone's face and say omae o korosu.
26. Your friends are afraid to look at you because you perfected that death glare.
27. At any given moment you suddenly bust out with "Heeeeeeeerooooooooo!"
28. Anytime you hurt someone you offer to let them kill you.
29. Anytime in on your bike/car, etc. you're given to suddenly swerving away from real or imagined objects yelling "Sylvia Noventa!" (I do that with my cats ^_^)
30. You can't wait till you break a bone so you can set it yourself.
31. You sign up for a skydiving class but are promptly kicked out for 'forgetting' to open your parachute at the right time.
31. If you go to a knew school you try to tell everyone your name is Heero Yuy and in speech class you recite his welcome speech. If you get arrested for copyright infringement you'll simply steal an ambulance to escape and later hack into the nearest computer to erase your record.
32. When someone (person, animal) runs from you: "Don't run away from me Heero!"
33. When someone does something bad: "You're really very kind aren't you?"
34. Mission accepted becomes a permanent part of your vocabulary, along with heeeerooooo.
35. You put more effort into lemon fics about every possible Heero pairing than your schoolwork. Bonus if you start a HeeroTreizeZechs ring to rival the TreizeZechsWufei ring.
36. After the HTZ ring, there are the endless possibilities of're really failing now!
37. But you immediately get back to straight As. Not because you care but because Heero is a genious and damn it you will be too!
38. You have dreams about Heero (rating G to PG-13) -Shuku
39. You have dreams about Heero (that are over PG-13!) -Shuku
40.You play RPG games and you always pick Heero (no matter if you're a girl) -Shuku
41. You carry around a gun just like his. My older cousin does ::Giggles::
42. Accidentally call your boyfriend Heero during a romantic moment.
43. Ya accidently *Yeah right type ya know ya love Heero too much sending it to. Ya know who. -Gundamgirl07 44.You yell at the top of ya lungs at your best friend and nearly have her stop being friends with you when she tells you that Heero is a jerk. -Gundamgirl07 45. You fall asleep saying to yourself 'I love Heero.' -Gundamgirl07 46. You scribble all over your class notes using the same notes over and over again. 'HEERO' -Gundamgirl07 47. Draw pics of Heero all the time. You try getting pics of Heero looking hot. ^^ -Gundamgirl07 48. Most of these are true for you! Uh-huh!