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My Virtual Photo Album

Welcome to my Friend's pic pages! :) If you're a friend, you have a pic, and it's not up here, give it to me so I CAN PUT IT ON THERE!!!

Mr. Stinky Puppet

Mr Stinky Puppet is my best friend! *sniff*

Brody in the Middle

Brody is my hubby! He's in the middle! I love Brody! ^_^


IT's my sissy Crissy! Well ok..she's not blood related to me..but you know

It's puffywuffypoofywoofy!!! And some guys...but puffywuffypoofywoofy(Travis) is on the far left!

It's MattyDatty ^_^

It's CharChar, or whatever that chick's name is *g*

I thought I'd kill two bird with one stone and put in a pic of Jason AND Mary, you just TRY to figure out which is which ;)

Word up, it's my ghetto homie G, Sarah, Haras, Smac, whatever yo!

This guy up here is Grant, my old buddy. And next to him is a pic of Amanda P, Me , and Mandy ice skating :)

It's Andrew..and JonJon! Hi JonJon! *waves* I love YOU! :)

So those are the friends of mine with pics :) IF you're my friend, you have a pic, gimme!