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This chat occurred sometime in October, 2000.

*** stanley has joined #stan
shewren: Welcome Mr. Downey and thank you for stopping by for a visit! 0:)
trillian: heya stanley
Pat: Hi ya, Stanley :)
lafemmenikita: woo!
* Kaisfem gasps
angelmay: Hello Brian
StunnerLuver4: yay!!!
maritas: hiya
CatCharm: Hi Brian
StansJennix: hi Brian :)))
stanley: hi leslie
delly: good to see you Brian:)
NecK: sup brian
ClusterRat: howdy!
Kaisfem: Hi baby boy!
Micromary: HI, Brian
DirtyGirl: Brian's here!
StunnerLuver4: Hi Brian!!!
stanley: boy you guys are quick
* trillian serves Brian a flaming B-52, putting the flame out with her hand
Lonesome Hellcat: g'evening mr. downey. nice to meet you.
angelmay: lOL trill
* shewren giggles
stanley: that b52 had to hurt
StunnerLuver4: LOL
necrophiliac: lol
angelmay: LOL
trillian: eh, just a singe :)
delly: he
* maritas smiles - finally !
angelmay: he he trill
Kaisfem: the pain is worth
* angelmay hands trillian a bandaid and some bactene
stanley: so is the drink
shewren: hehehehe!
CatCharm: lol
Kaisfem: only if they are chilled
trillian: who feels pain after a few of those?
angelmay: You betcha
* DirtyGirl whips up a fresh batch of Frosty Assassins
angelmay: LOL trill
* shewren giggles again!
shewren: It is so very nice of you to come by!
StunnerLuver4: Hey, Brian, I luv you, man!
stanley: so, you know nigel is back
stanley: with us
angelmay: Yes
angelmay: That's wonderful
shewren: wow!
* trillian nods yes
StansJennix: we've been drooling for you all night ;)
* delly nods
stanley: and Jeff is back writing
trillian: see the mess we made?
* Kaisfem claps
Micromary: COOL
angelmay: Oh wow kewl Brian
shewren: wonderful!
* maritas nodds too :)
* zillie gets the couches ready...
CatCharm: fabulous
* Micromary remembered to bring drool towels, but no one asked
Kaisfem: Do ya'll know where you'll be shooting yet?
* shewren can't believe she managed to stay up long enough to "see" him!
stanley: In mid Jan
angelmay: LOL Shew
* Kaisfem prays "Texas"
* DirtyGirl laughs at shew
zillie: hehehe
stanley: texas is possible
shewren: cool
delly: you're starting in mid Jan Brian?
stanley: so is DC
StansJennix: are you coming to Sweden? ;)
angelmay: Wow!!!
trillian: DC? ooo
DirtyGirl: Yes...heard rumours
stanley: yes mid jan
angelmay: Great!
DirtyGirl: Can't wait. :)
CatCharm: DC? Is lexx going to blow up the white house?
Micromary: OOOO, DC is closer to home!!
StunnerLuver4: yes!
delly: and how many months do you expect the cast will be shooting for Brian?
DirtyGirl: I sure hope so!
stanley: as long as there is a bad mayor
trillian: so I suppose we can't show to see a little TV majic?
angelmay: LMAO!!!
delly: hehe
trillian: tehe
shewren: DC...very cool...close enough!
lafemmenikita: DC!! COOL!
* lafemmenikita used to work in DC
* DirtyGirl might have to plan a vacation to DC
StunnerLuver4: me too!
shewren: I lived between DC and Baltimore for 3 years
* delly sighs and wishes you could make that 'BC':)
necrophiliac: lol
maritas: DC is 4 hours away..
DirtyGirl: Hey Brian...DirtyGirl is Doffy
lafemmenikita: heehee
Kaisfem: lol@delly
* zillie will move to Hali first, and the holiday in DC..
stanley: As soon as I know where and when I'll let you guyd know
zillie: "n"
StunnerLuver4: cool
stanley: guys
DirtyGirl: Kewl
*** Pat sets mode: +o DirtyGirl
angelmay: That is great Brian!!
shewren: are a doll!
necrophiliac: great
delly: awww..kewl:)
trillian: thanks
DirtyGirl: Thanks Pat
Pat: yw :)
DirtyGirl: Whatta sweetie
CatCharm: wow thanks Brian
trillian: do you play air hockey?
StansJennix: lol
stanley: no thanks necessary
CatCharm: lol
trillian: my one question
StunnerLuver4: Brian, I would ask you about your basement, but Doffy might swat me...
Lonesome Hellcat: mr. downey, any possibility paul or the other producers would accept a new cast member? maybe an extra for one time in the show? i have a pretty good resume and great expirience acting.
delly: hehe
shewren: LOL
stanley: yes I strum my hockey stick every day
angelmay: LOLOL
necrophiliac: lol!
* DirtyGirl swats stunner
trillian: LOL
Micromary: LOL
shewren: hehehehehehehehehe!!!!
delly: lol
lafemmenikita: LOL!!!!!!!!
StunnerLuver4: OUCH!!!
maritas: LOl
zillie: lol
CatCharm: lol
StunnerLuver4: I told you!
lafemmenikita: lol @ "strum"
StunnerLuver4: But I just HAD to!
stanley: new people are always welcome
* StansJennix would kiss anyone, even 790, to get on the Lexx ;))
lafemmenikita: heehee
DirtyGirl: ?me buys a plane ticket to Hali
trillian: eep! StansJennix, i won't say it!
zillie: hehe Jennix
* Micromary checks to see if her mental image matches lafemm's
* necrophiliac would do more than kiss to get on
Lonesome Hellcat: great! is there an address I can write to?
* lafemmenikita compares w/ MM
angelmay: LMAO Necro
stanley: 790... plastic ??!!
lafemmenikita: ack necro!!
* Micromary smiles and nods to lafemm
StansJennix: sure :)
maritas: I knew it!!
* lafemmenikita smiles and nods!
* StansJennix could be the robotlover ;)
stanley: write to Salter
Micromary: evil minds think alike
CatCharm: 790 is plastic?
CatCharm: bummer
* maritas blushes and raises her hand...
Lonesome Hellcat: ok. i will.
lafemmenikita: aye mm!
stanley: heavy plastic
trillian: MM, I'm not that EVIL!!
StunnerLuver4: Why don't you throw 790 off the Lexx already?
trillian: ;p
DirtyGirl: LOL
Micromary: LOL, trill
starfireone: no, don't throw 790 away!
zillie: we like it too much to do that..
StunnerLuver4: He's too mean to Stanley the Manly!
Kaisfem: Are they gonna keep him?
shewren: he has his....uses
maritas: yep
delly: yes, but Stanley gives as good as he gets:)
stanley: 790 is back big time
Micromary: Keep 790!!
trillian: maybe as a good alarm clock, shewren
CatCharm: yay
shewren: hehehehehehe!!!
angelmay: Kewl Brian I like 790
StunnerLuver4: LOL
trillian: YEAH!!
StunnerLuver4: Well, y'all told me!
StansJennix: i say: throw off the corpse ;)
DirtyGirl: Gotta have 790!
maritas: wow now that would sell 790 alarm clock!
zillie: Will he finally get a body Brian?
CatCharm: we were missing him in this season
lafemmenikita: yay for 790!
DirtyGirl: ACK!!
stanley: a bi robot head?
stanley: YES
maritas: yeah we were...
lafemmenikita: HAHAH!
DirtyGirl: Sure..why not?
angelmay: HA HA HA!!!
shewren: hehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!
DirtyGirl: Love it!
stanley: he doesn't give, he IS
trillian: heh
delly: I think 790 should fall for Prince this time;)
CatCharm: lol
maritas: the bi robot head was some great lines
DirtyGirl: LOL!!
StunnerLuver4: Oh, no, remember what happened last time 790 had a body?
Kaisfem: that'd be funny if he got Kai's body...don't tell Buggy I said that...ssshh
shewren: LOL!!
Lonesome Hellcat: well, 790 is good for healing xev and kai and of course, stanley. thanks to him, stan wouldn't have had his hand back.
DirtyGirl: Too funny!
zillie: hehe delly
* Micromary faints at the thought of 790's head on Kai's body
angelmay: LOL
lafemmenikita: hahahaahah!
StunnerLuver4: LOL
trillian: LOL MM
* shewren cringes
DirtyGirl: Yes 790 and Kai's body...THUD
StunnerLuver4: At least he has better hair!
maritas: no hair....
delly: tongue!
Kaisfem: I had to put something in for MissJeannieHoney...
shewren: Dont think so girls!
angelmay: LOLOL
delly: that's no good..
zillie: Will 790 finally get a buddy Brian?
stanley: ok moderated chat
DirtyGirl: k
Pat: ok...
shewren: k
angelmay: ok
*** lafemmenikita sets mode: +m
* delly nods
zillie: ok
Pat: You can privately ask the moderators your questions :)
Pat: and we'll cut and paste :)
*** Pat sets mode: +o stanley
angelmay: (trillian) Brian: how far into season 4 have you seen the scripts?
stanley: where am I ?
Pat: you're still here, Brian :)
DirtyGirl: Stil with us
stanley: moderated or not ?
DirtyGirl: moderated
stanley: great
Pat: yes, it's moderated now... we can read you :)
DirtyGirl: :)
*** CowboyKai has quit IRC ((signed off) )
stanley: I am still here
Pat: Brian: how far into season 4 have you seen the scripts?
DirtyGirl: Answer the question
zillie: :)
* Pat chuckles at Dirty Girl getting all dominatrix-like ;)
DirtyGirl: LOL Pat
necrophiliac: lol
Pat: can you see us ok, Brian?
* DirtyGirl breaks out bullwhip
stanley: everything is slow
stanley: is that Ok
stanley: I think I've lost you all
DirtyGirl: Briaaan?
Pat: No, you're still here... are you lagging?
DirtyGirl: Must be the Mac
Pat: Chat window scrolling up very slowly?
zillie: Yes, we are moderated now, that's why it's slow
lafemmenikita: it's slowed down because the room is moderated.....
stanley: I am seeing no responses
stanley: what do I do ?
stanley: Or do I need another phone call
lafemmenikita: we'll post messages from the people in the room for you to read
* DirtyGirl phones Brian
lafemmenikita: i'll call ya
Pat: cool, la femme... I think we're having a lag?
delly: Brian, did you see the question regarding how far ahead have you seen Lexx 4 scripts?
* DirtyGirl waves basement sealer under Brain's nose
angelmay: LOL
DirtyGirl: Brian...sorry
*** CatCharm has left #stan
angelmay: oh no cat i wonder if she got peered
Pat: She had to leave for work
angelmay: oh ok too bad
lafemmenikita: his window is lagging...
DirtyGirl: Oh..too bad
angelmay: oh no
DirtyGirl: That's not good
angelmay: Does that mean it freezes up?
DirtyGirl: It used to happen to me
stanley: i'm here
DirtyGirl: UntilI got mirc
zillie: Well, seems we're having a few difficulties. We'll try to get Brian back as soon as Brianly possible..
angelmay: :)
* Pat waves at Brian :)
angelmay: LOL zillie
* DirtyGirl winks at Brian
* angelmay smiles at Brian
lafemmenikita: can ya see this?
DirtyGirl: Yep
* zillie knew she should've seated and tied him to her couch :)
* DirtyGirl has oiled rein handy
angelmay: LOL doffy
DirtyGirl: :)
lafemmenikita: oiled rein?!?!
lafemmenikita: LOL
angelmay: At least you got them good and oiled now for CowboyKai
DirtyGirl: Yep
angelmay: ;)
DirtyGirl: oiled for ME!
angelmay: hee hee hee
stanley: no me
DirtyGirl: hehe
angelmay: I can't wait to read that story Doffy ;)
DirtyGirl: ooo, Brain
angelmay: hee hee Brian
zillie: Oh he's back :)
DirtyGirl: Brian
angelmay: woo hoo
Pat: :)
DirtyGirl: I can't type!
zillie: Welcome back Brian :)
angelmay: LOL
Pat: let's try again...
stanley: some day I should tell you guys aboiut me and mikey's first day in Hfx
DirtyGirl: You interested in oiled reins, Brian?
DirtyGirl: I'd love to hear it!
Pat: ooh, we wanna hear :)
angelmay: Oh please do Brian I bet it was a riot!!
lafemmenikita: tell tell!
zillie: Why not today? Now?
stanley: very very funny day
DirtyGirl: Do tell!
stanley: it's a long story
* lafemmenikita sits...grins...and listens....
Pat: tease ;)
zillie: :)
DirtyGirl: We're not going anywhere
delly> ooh yeah...tell now:))
DirtyGirl: MM story...
angelmay: THUD
* delly pours Brian a Scotch:)))
lafemmenikita: hehe
stanley: but it ends with me and mikey being thown out of the first bar we wallked in to
* zillie seats him in her couch...
angelmay: LOL Brian
lafemmenikita: ack!!
lafemmenikita: WOOO!!
angelmay: Go ahead
zillie: oh do tell us..
DirtyGirl: Pleeeeeze
delly: what did you bad boys do?:)
stanley: toooo loooo ng
DirtyGirl: ACK!
DirtyGirl: NOOO!
stanley: we go to dinner
DirtyGirl: yes?
stanley: with paul and robert sigl
* lafemmenikita THUD's @ "too long"
angelmay: ah yes
DirtyGirl: LOL
angelmay: LOL Lafe
angelmay: >THUD<
stanley: we are confirmed on the show
stanley: never met before
DirtyGirl: First season?
stanley: we ahve drinks and great food
stanley: first season, yes
DirtyGirl: kewl
*** StansJennix has quit IRC ((signed off) )
stanley: and after Paul and robert offer us a drive to our hotel
stanley: we look at each other and say " no we'll walk"
DirtyGirl: LOL
stanley: Knowing what we are going to do
angelmay: hee hee
lafemmenikita: heehee
DirtyGirl: ???
stanley: we go to a joint called the Liquor Dome
DirtyGirl: LOL!!
lafemmenikita: woo!
angelmay: I like that name!!
stanley: As we are crossing the flpoo floor
stanley: to the bar
stanley: Mikey's jacket
stanley: catches a chair
stanley: the chair goes over
stanley: we get to the bar
* DirtyGirl thuds at "mikey"
* lafemmenikita wonders if anyone was in the chair...
stanley: and a huge bouncer comes up tp us
stanley: and says
stanley: "We think you've had enough to drink
Pat: lol @ lafemme
DirtyGirl: LMAO
Pat: ack...
* angelmay is laughing her ass off
necrophiliac: lol
Pat: lol
lafemmenikita: what?!? HAHAHA!
DirtyGirl: Not NEARLY enough!
stanley: we say we have had a glass of wine with dinner
stanley: he grabs mikey and says " you gotta go
DirtyGirl: Did MM kick his butt?
lafemmenikita: ack!!!
angelmay: Oh NO
stanley: I say "Oh yeah... well if you throw my buddy out
lafemmenikita: woo! go Brian!
DirtyGirl: You GO!
stanley: you gotta throw me out too !!!!
Pat: good on ya!
DirtyGirl: WooHoo!
lafemmenikita: woohoo!!
zillie: good on you :)
angelmay: Good for you Brian Woo Hoo!!!
stanley: 2 seconds later.....
delly: ManlyStanley!:))
lafemmenikita: heeheehee
DirtyGirl: Way to go, Brian
angelmay: hee hee
stanley: pavement burns... yes I think so
DirtyGirl: LOL
lafemmenikita: ack ack!!
*** FrogSplash has joined #stan
Pat: ack!!
necrophiliac: lol!
zillie: ack!
stanley: but later...
angelmay: I am Laughing My Ass Off Ouch...........
DirtyGirl: I'm hurting myself
stanley: we go... for the firat time
stanley: to the Shoe Shop
DirtyGirl: I've heard of the Shoe Shop
delly: oh historical moment:)
stanley: A legend in its own mind
delly: hehehe
DirtyGirl: LO
angelmay: LOL
zillie: definitely delly
stanley: and we find a quiet table
stanley: did I mention that this was a monday?
angelmay: No
lafemmenikita: no..hehe
DirtyGirl: No, you didn't
*** Rustam has joined #stan
stanley: and there was no one else in the Liquor Dome?
angelmay: No
lafemmenikita: no
stanley: NOT A SOUL
DirtyGirl: I thought you were at the Shoe Shop?
angelmay: Oh NO and he threw you guys out ack lol
stanley: just me and mikey
*** MeLuSiNe- has joined #stan
* lafemmenikita guesses the chair tipping intimidated everyone
angelmay: LOL lafemme
DirtyGirl: LOL
DirtyGirl: Do you really call him mikey?
stanley: we are SOOO scarey
stanley: So Mikey sits down in The Shoe Shop and I go to buy a beer for us
stanley: while I'm at the bar
stanley: I start to talk to a few people
stanley: OK... girls... fine !!
stanley: and I invite the entire bar to come join us
* DirtyGirl listens t the wind whistling between her ears
* delly smiles
zillie: hehehe
stanley: Mikey is evil
lafemmenikita: THUD
DirtyGirl: MMMmmmmmm
angelmay: THUD
DirtyGirl: THUD
angelmay: LOL
stanley: Michael is very quiet
* zillie smiles
Pat: evil... *sigh*
DirtyGirl: I'll bet!
stanley: yep
lafemmenikita: oh zillie, you know you THUDDED!
angelmay: LOL
stanley: so OH MY GOD
DirtyGirl: yes??
lafemmenikita: yes yes ?
stanley: They all all come to sit with us
DirtyGirl: Gee..I wonder why?
angelmay: :)
stanley: because we were funny i guess
lafemmenikita: *chuckle*
stanley: and Mikey says
angelmay: Aw, it's because you're so good looking Brian :)
delly: that's gotta be it:)
lafemmenikita: lol!
stanley: fuck downey
lafemmenikita: ack! haha!
angelmay: Oh My God LOL
stanley: I just wanted a beer
DirtyGirl: LOL!!!!
angelmay: LOLOL
necrophiliac: lol
lafemmenikita: HAHAHA!!!
Pat: hahaha!
* DirtyGirl chokes
stanley: Not a convention
angelmay: HA HA HA!!!
delly: hahaha!
zillie: hahaha
lafemmenikita: hahahahaha!
angelmay: hee hee hee
stanley: we have been friends ever since
delly: :D
lafemmenikita: heeheeheehee!
DirtyGirl: :)
angelmay: Cool Brian!!
lafemmenikita: :)
DirtyGirl: Way cool!
stanley: he still tells the story about that night
lafemmenikita: cooool...
* DirtyGirl wishes she was there...*sigh*
stanley: downey goes for a beer, and comes back with the bar
lafemmenikita: wooo ya!!!!!
DirtyGirl: Stan the Man
*** Rustam has quit IRC ((signed off) )
*** angelmay has quit IRC ((signed off) )
stanley: My nickname in NFLD. (newfoundland for those who don;'t know
DirtyGirl: Kewl
zillie: Hehehe!
stanley: They call nme Iron brian
DirtyGirl: A Newfie, eh?
lafemmenikita: WOOO!!
lafemmenikita: THUD
lafemmenikita: heehee
DirtyGirl: Hmmm, I wonder why? ;)
*** Rustam has joined #stan
stanley: because I am 6 foot six
* delly giggles
stanley: and solid muscle
zillie: :D
DirtyGirl: ...THUDS
stanley: and dark haired
zillie: well, we knew that! ;)
DirtyGirl: THUDS again
delly: you're 10 feet tall to us Brian:)
stanley: blue eyes !!
lafemmenikita: 6 foot 6....WITH the bun?!?! oh...wait
Pat: StunnerLuver4 wants to know: Brian: Can we look forward to seeing Stanley's hats available for sale anytime soon?
DirtyGirl: Manly Stanly
stanley: I am laughing
stanley: really
DirtyGirl: Yes! Tweedle Hats!
*** angelmay has joined #stan
*** zillie sets mode: +o angelmay
angelmay: thanks zillie I got disconnected
*** Pat sets mode: +o angelmay
zillie: yw
DirtyGirl: Must...have....Tweedle..hats...!
Pat: lol, gmta, zillie
angelmay: What did I miss?
stanley: what is a mode change
DirtyGirl: Gives control
zillie: Pat, you might want to repeat that question :)
angelmay: They set me as a moderator Brian
stanley: can I go pee now ?
lafemmenikita: chatroom configurations, brian
DirtyGirl: LOL!
angelmay: Yes Brian LOL
DirtyGirl: I gotta go too...if you must know
angelmay: LOL dg
DirtyGirl: PEE BREAK!!!
angelmay: Ok Pat what did I miss while I was disconnected
zillie: not just yet brian, we're just getting started! ;)
lafemmenikita: thanks for sharing dirtygirl!
DirtyGirl: TMI???
angelmay: The last thing I said was that Michael sounded like a funny guy'
* zillie ties Brian tightly to her couch..
DirtyGirl: LOL
*** Tressia has joined #stan
DirtyGirl: Hiya tressia
angelmay: hiya tress
stanley: back
angelmay: welcome back
delly: Brian..question from StansJennix....'What was your favorite Lexx episode..and what other of the characters would you like to play if you had the opportunity..and why?'
lafemmenikita: welcome back
stanley: one of my favs was white trash
DirtyGirl: back
lafemmenikita: really?!?!
lafemmenikita: wow!
DirtyGirl: I liked that one
angelmay: I did too
stanley: play only Stan
stanley: because it had the opportunity to open up a whole new area
stanley: which was not explored
*** Tressia has left #stan
angelmay: Tressia says goodbye
stanley: i loved the idea that other people could have been on the LEXX
zillie: Brian, a number of the girls would like to know whether Mr.McManus has a current girlfriend.
DirtyGirl: scuse me while I thud
stanley: Yes he does
stanley: thud away
angelmay: THUD
angelmay: LOL
DirtyGirl: LOL
lafemmenikita: LOL!
zillie: Sorry girls, he's taken...:)
lafemmenikita: awww! heeheehee
angelmay: awwww
stanley: I didn't say taken
DirtyGirl: Shucks!
angelmay: OH?
DirtyGirl: You mean there's hope?
stanley: I said he has a girl friend
stanley: hope ?
zillie: Never assume anything...
DirtyGirl: Is he as sweet as he seems?
stanley: mikey is a good human, but he is human
angelmay: Ah
zillie: hehehe
stanley: no protoblood
delly: yes, Kai is so much better:)))
lafemmenikita: haha!
delly: hehehe
angelmay: LOL
DirtyGirl: Cool...perfection is overrated
delly: much more staying power;)
delly: annnnnyway:)
angelmay: LOL delly
DirtyGirl: Mikey..thud
DirtyGirl: so cute
stanley: I disagree ... perfection is underrated
DirtyGirl: LOL
*** shewren has quit IRC ((signed off) )
angelmay: Hee Hee
delly: Brian...I have a long do you expect shooting to take for the new season?
DirtyGirl: Hey where's shew?
stanley: we will shoot for about a year
angelmay: She must have gotten peered
DirtyGirl: Really? A full year?
delly: so..likely to finish up in December or so?
stanley: Mikey's gilr friend ?
stanley: Where ?
lafemmenikita: hahaha!
stanley: yes a year
angelmay: No we were talking about someone who left accidently
* DirtyGirl here!!!
lafemmenikita: Lonesome Hellcat would like to say something before he leaves...
* Pat pushes Dirty Girl out of the way and smiles sweetly...
*** lafemmenikita sets mode: +v Lonesome Hellcat
Lonesome Hellcat: thank you
* DirtyGirl smiles at Pat
*** lafemmenikita sets mode: +v maritas
zillie: Brian, here's another one Could you ask him if he is going to direct an ep of Lexx in the near future?
Lonesome Hellcat: mr. downey, i want to wish you and the rest of the crew the best of luck. and i wish someday i can work with you all.
stanley: come see us at least !!
Lonesome Hellcat: i will try! the best i can!
stanley: we all get along very well
stanley: cast and crew
DirtyGirl: Any plans for another Uncon?
lafemmenikita: great to hear!
Lonesome Hellcat: oh and one more thing: if you can: tell mrs. seeberg she has a huge fan over at puerto rico.
stanley: My dear sweet person
stanley: I wish I had control over those things
stanley: I would have one every month
DirtyGirl: What..Uncons?
Lonesome Hellcat: good night. and thanks. I have to go rest for work to-morrow. have a nice night.
DirtyGirl: I'd be there every month!
stanley: but it is up to you guys and up to Salter
*** Lonesome Hellcat has quit IRC ((signed off) )
necrophiliac: Brian, Rustam would like to offer you some Lough Lavin
Pat: Well, we'll have to have a word with Salter, then ;)
stanley: UnCons here in Halifax
DirtyGirl: Yep...
DirtyGirl: gotta get Salter straight!
zillie: definitely, a word or two..
stanley: You can ask the people who have been here
* DirtyGirl breaks out the bullwhip
angelmay: maritas> no, I want to know what he thought of doing season 3 in the arch like they did.
stanley: I will do whatever I can
stanley: So, I must go in a minute or so, sorry
angelmay: awww
delly: Brian....Kaisfem asks..'Will our Stanley find true love in Lexx 4'?
DirtyGirl: Awww
stanley: yes Stan will, he will meet his twin
lafemmenikita: ack!! HAHA!
DirtyGirl: His twin???
Pat: lol, cool :)
stanley: who could ask for more
DirtyGirl: ACK@!!!!
delly: hehehehhee
angelmay: Really? Cool!!
zillie: kewl :)
lafemmenikita: kewl....!
necrophiliac: one more Brian Well Just how difficult was it for all three of them to shoot the codpiece scene in K-Town and how many takes did it take to get it right.
delly: a soulmate for Stanley?:))
DirtyGirl: Two Stanleys!!!
delly: awwww:)
DirtyGirl: Too cool!!!
stanley: for me the codpiece scene was easy
lafemmenikita: heeheehee
angelmay: I bet LOL :)
delly: haha!
stanley: I wasn't naked
* DirtyGirl thuds at codpiece scene
necrophiliac: lol brian
stanley: and cold
angelmay: Hee Hee Hee
stanley: with a smoke machine
DirtyGirl: GAH!!!
angelmay: LOLOL
* lafemmenikita shivvers
stanley: coming out of my groin
lafemmenikita: HAHAHAHA!
delly: hehehehehehe
stanley: EASY
necrophiliac: haha
zillie: :))
Pat: ack...
DirtyGirl: LOL!!!
angelmay: HA HA HA!!!
stanley: Now mikey....
* lafemmenikita prepares to THUD....
DirtyGirl: I'll keep him warm
angelmay: LOL lafe
stanley: we did have heaters
DirtyGirl: codpeice...THUD
delly: What was your most difficult scene in Lexx 3 Brian? Aside from nearly getting drowned:)
stanley: we shot that in a place called Rudersdorf
angelmay: oh yes
DirtyGirl: ???
stanley: can it get worse than almost being drowned ??!!
* delly grins
DirtyGirl: Welll?
zillie: :))
* lafemmenikita chuckles
stanley: well what ?
angelmay: I don't swim either when I heard that my heart went out to you!
delly: I mean technically tough...trying..irritating:)))
stanley: did you guys see "The Making OF
angelmay: I did!
delly: yes Brian:)
* lafemmenikita hasn't
Pat: yes, some of us have seen it
lafemmenikita: only read about it
stanley: it was very funny
DirtyGirl: Nope..unfortunately
delly: I put up a synopsis on the web Brian:)
angelmay: Yes it was :)
zillie: only some of us, unfortunately :?
delly: with pictures even:)
* DirtyGirl cries
lafemmenikita: ya...ty delly!
delly: it was great Brian:))
* angelmay hands Dirtygirl a kleenex
stanley: let's get that around
stanley: some out takes
* lafemmenikita stands in line for her copy...
delly: my favorite part is of you and Nigel on the beach with the brollies:)))))
* DirtyGirl blows nose
stanley: and some behind the scenes
DirtyGirl: Brollies"
lafemmenikita: umbrella's DG
delly: umbrellas DG:)
DirtyGirl: Oh, umbrelleas
angelmay: Oh I think we would all love to see behind the scenes and outtakes Brian.
stanley: that was funny the brollies
*** shewren has joined #stan
angelmay: wb shewren
DirtyGirl: Hey shew!
*** lafemmenikita sets mode: +v shewren
shewren: hi
DirtyGirl: olny seen pics
DirtyGirl: Great pics!
stanley: must say "nite" any last questiones ?
necrophiliac: --reggemS here-- in view that most of the questions have been about Michael McManus, ..."If we were to ask Michael how you were to work with, what would he say?"
stanley: that was spanish
DirtyGirl: LOL
angelmay: LOL
stanley: he'd say perfect
angelmay: :)
delly: LOL!
necrophiliac: lol
DirtyGirl: I'll bet!
zillie: hehehe
angelmay: You betcha Brian!! :)
stanley: not what I would say
necrophiliac: one more Brian you might ask how they keep their cool undersuch extreme circumstances
angelmay: LMAO!!!
DirtyGirl: You are awesome, Brian!
zillie: what would you say?
maritas: thank you Brian for joining us !!
DirtyGirl: Yes, Thanks so much!
stanley: keeping cool is having a sense of humor
lafemmenikita: kewl
DirtyGirl: You have a great sense of humor!
DirtyGirl: :)
angelmay: MeLuSiNe-> Are you planning on directing iin the future?
angelmay: So true about the sense of humor Brian!
* DirtyGirl loves Brian's sense of humor
Pat: Thanks for joining us, Brian... We're glad you could make it here in the end! :)
delly: big hugs to you Brian and best of luck to all the crew for next year:)
DirtyGirl: Yes...worth the wait!
necrophiliac: Thank you so much Brian! It was wonderful to get to talk to you!
DirtyGirl: Lots of hugs
stanley: because after all it is just make believe
angelmay: Thank you so much for coming Brian, we hope you can do this again soon with us.
lafemmenikita: yes it was Brian!!
DirtyGirl: For everyone!
shewren: Thank you so very much Mr. Downey!!
angelmay: You are a real funny guy!!
maritas: Thanks again :)
zillie: thanks for your time Brian :) Would love to do it again, and maybe with Michael or Nigel over! :)) *hint, hint*..
stanley: thank you sall for being so kind and so funny and so interested in our small show
* delly gives Brian a big hug from Kaisfem too:)
shewren: it's wonderful!
DirtyGirl: It's an awesomeshow!
necrophiliac: and modest even!
* shewren winks
angelmay: The Lexx Show is Wonderful!!!! It's not small to us it's Huge!!
maritas: very modest :)
* DirtyGirl huggles Brian
lafemmenikita: it's and awsome show!!!!!!!!!
Pat: okie... shall we switch off moderation, so everybody can say goodbye?
* angelmay gives Brian a Hug
lafemmenikita: ok...
* zillie unties Brian, and gives him a good hug
angelmay: yes
maritas: Oh and I love your singing!!
*** lafemmenikita sets mode: -m
Pat: y'all can talk now ;)
DirtyGirl: ...oooo do we have to let him go?
MeLuSiNe-: bye Brian
trillian: THank you for putting up with us!
lafemmenikita: lol @ not one talking..
FrogSplash: Thanks Brian!!!!!
* Kaisfem gives Brian a huge huggle in person
maritas: bye Brian !!!
* trillian huggles, gropes and waves
Kaisfem: Come on down to Texas honey!
StunnerLuver4: Bye Brian! I luv you, man!
Rustam: God night and sleep tight and all tha there stuff, Brian.
lafemmenikita: heehe trill!! grope!!
angelmay: Have a good night Brian and have fun filming the new season of Lexx!!
starfireone: thanks Brian!
* maritas smile and wanes goodbye..
* MeLuSiNe- huggles Brian
DirtyGirl: G'night Brian!
StunnerLuver4: And thanks SOOOO much!
* FrogSplash huggles brian
stanley: I am here for you, whenever you want OK ?
trillian: whoo!
Rustam: irm....(((TTTHUDDD)))
* shewren huggles
DirtyGirl: Love the show...
maritas: cool beans!
delly: nitenite Brian:)
angelmay: Greay come back again soon Brian!!
angelmay: gret
lafemmenikita: greaat Brian!!
Pat: we'll take you up on that, Brian, and invite you back for more chats :)
angelmay: great
FrogSplash: WhoooHoooo!!!
ClusterRat: nighty night!
*** stanley has quit IRC ((signed off) )
