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dgrequeen: heh heh
dgrequeen: hi Jeffrey
Praxilla: :)
AuntyAlias: I bring down the property value if I settled in Sanity
HeadHoncho: HI all
Doffy: howdy Jeffrey!
AuntyAlias: He's here
BlackDalek: Greetinx
Arania: hiya there
uber_vixen: heya :)
angelmay: HIya Jeffrey!
AuntyAlias: wowie
allison1: hi...
fx: hello jeff
Insipida: Hello mr. Jeff
* Praxilla waves
SadGeezer: Heya Jeff! :D
StunnerLuver4: hey there Jeff!
theFrey: _______________________________________________________________
HeadHoncho: Greetings! Greetings! The kids were harder than usual to chain up in the cellar tonight, but all is weel now.
Amyzon: Hello Jeff
thegman7: hi Jeff
Lee_S: Hello, Mr. Hirschfield.
HeadHoncho: well
theFrey: Welcome to the Sadgeezer Jeff Hirschfield chat. Please in order to keep Jeff's chat unmoderated do not greet or comment when entering or leaving the room. Also wait for Jeff to type ga (go ahead) before you enter a question. Thanks
Doffy: that's good....glad you could be here tonight
HeadHoncho: My pleasure ga
AuntyAlias: ok, Jeff was that you in that commercial saying "Give me a Cold One?"
thegman7: Which name is Jeff
thegman7: ?
AuntyAlias: settle a bar bet for me honey
HeadHoncho: No.
allison1: Thank you for taking the time.
dgrequeen: HeadHoncho, thegman
AuntyAlias: I loose
thegman7: thx
AuntyAlias: ok,thanks
HeadHoncho: Where's everyone from?
angelmay> Minnesota
dgrequeen: Ohio
thegman7: Florida
Doffy: California
AuntyAlias: San Francisco
BlackDalek: Australia
StunnerLuver4: Pittsburgh, PA
Lee_S: Iowa.
less: oregon
theFrey: good evening Mr. Hirschfield Welcome to Sad Chat
Insipida: West Michigan
MothFedBoy: Surrey BC
eo: Sweden
Praxilla: Nebraska
Xirv0: the great white north
thegman7: lol
allison1: Washington DC
HeadHoncho: Hot damn. I've been drunk and naked in all those places
theFrey: Dallas Texas via Pittsburgh
uber_vixen: QLD, Australia :)
angelmay: lol
dgrequeen: 'Even in OHIO?!?!?
Xirv0: aka that really cold place known as canada
Stan: wow
Amyzon: Texas
Doffy: hehehe...cool!
SadGeezer: Preston England
Praxilla: you've been to NEBRASKA?
* Praxilla pat pats HeadHoncho
Lee_S: Now I remember you...: )
Praxilla: I'm sorry, so nice to see you got over it
thegman7: lol
HeadHoncho: What wonderful lies can I tell you this evening?
SadGeezer: Jeff, what's with the faggott carrots - I know they are scary and everything, but why not use faggot cucumbers or god forbid, faggott cabages?
Arania: georgia myself
allison1: I have a question.
thegman7: Are you guys filming Season 5 right now or soon
thegman7: ?
Stan: hi Jeffry
HeadHoncho: The spinoff is all about faggot cabbages
AuntyAlias: ditto thegman7
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SadGeezer: :D
HeadHoncho: Season 5 is up up up in the air
angelmay: Jeffrey, what Lexx episode did you most enjoy writing?
thegman7: yea what's up with Carrots, ouch
thegman7: !
Insipida: :)
HeadHoncho: I'd say my fav was Prime Ridge, but I figure I'll get beat up
thegman7: do you think the main trio is up to doing a 5th Season
thegman7: ?
StunnerLuver4: luv that ep Jeff!
angelmay: lol
HeadHoncho: so I'll say Wake the Dead
dgrequeen: Nah, I laughed at Prime Ridge
StunnerLuver4: naked Stan in tub scene rocked!!!
theFrey: Mr Hirschfield if you type GA after you commands we will know when to ask you the next questioin
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Doffy: it was a hoot!
Lee_S: Which was your favorite season?
HeadHoncho: Okay, whoa a second
theFrey: slow down people please
thegman7: Jeff, I thought Brigadoom was really creative
Lee_S: Sorry, was I supposed to wait to ask a question?
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thegman7: That was among the first ep's I saw
HeadHoncho: My favorite season was probably season 2
HeadHoncho: but season 1 was the best in that it was all so new ga
thegman7: Ok Frey
theFrey: Yes Lee, wait until he types GA to ask a question
HeadHoncho: GA
thegman7: How tall is Xenia ?
fx: so were the carrots your idea?
allison1: Why a robot head? Why not the whole robot? How did the whole idea of 790 come about?
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HeadHoncho: I only see Xenia lying down
AuntyAlias: LOL
angelmay: lol
Arania: LOL
thegman7: what?
HeadHoncho: the carrots were not my idea
Praxilla: lol
thegman7: lol
* Xirv0 snickers
dgrequeen: shhh, people
HeadHoncho: but I use them frequently. GA
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thegman7: that's messed up
thegman7: lol
uber_vixen: hehehe
thegman7: next time try cucumbers
theFrey: hush thegman7
Xirv0: o_O
HeadHoncho: Ga
SadGeezer: Jeff, Are you able to tell anything to the fans about future plans for the show. Ie spinnoff series or even the possibility of a Season 5?
theFrey: allison1: Why a robot head? Why not the whole robot? How did the whole idea of 790 come about?
HeadHoncho: Wait a sec
Stan: Jeff i think 791 your best series!!!
HeadHoncho: I will tell you what I know about the future. NOthing. Zero. That's the truth. Don't hold your breath for Season 5
SadGeezer: oki
HeadHoncho: 790 was originally Paul's idea way back when
Lee_S: As an addition to the Frey's question: Who designed 790's appearance?
HeadHoncho: I like 791 too
allison1: Ah..
HeadHoncho: 790 design. Not sure...
HeadHoncho: GA
dgrequeen: what other things are you working on now?
AuntyAlias: Jeff, do you have plans to be at Uncon 2002? Or do you have prior engagements?
thegman7: Where are you from originally? school,etc.
HeadHoncho: YTV, a channel for young folks-- teens, has ordered 13 eps of my series PHUNKEE ZEE G.D. HOpe I can swing it.
Doffy: great
HeadHoncho: Uncon. Too early to say.
AuntyAlias: well keep our fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you. Hope to see you at the Shoe at Uncon. If you can make it.
HeadHoncho: I from Daupin, Manitoba, Canada... I lived in Brandon and Winnipeg, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Now Toronto
HeadHoncho: I'd love to make it to Uncon
HeadHoncho: GA
StunnerLuver4: Hi Jeff! FrogSplash can't be here, but she'd like to know why there weren't more Kai scenes in Luvliner.
HeadHoncho: Luvliner was early script. We were experimenting a little, leaving characters out of eps, etc
Xirv0: oi
HeadHoncho: it wasn't supposed to play until much later in the season, where it wouldn;'t be so jarring
Praxilla: what'
HeadHoncho: to miss kai
Praxilla: sthe one experiment with scripts that worked? The one that didn't work well too?
HeadHoncho: I thought it worked well -- more on paper than the screen. But we didn't know the demand for Kai would be such a powerful cosimic force
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HeadHoncho: GA
theFrey: t is GEEKS IN LOVE going to be about? and when and where can we see it?
Stan: Jeff I thinking 3 season you have played better than 2!!!
HeadHoncho: GEEKS IN LOVE was a play I wrote in 1985
Lee_S: What are fish girls, furry nympholeprae, etc.? Valdron and I were debating over the significance of Schlemmi's line in terms of the pupulation of the Light Zone.
HeadHoncho: it's been in devlpt as a flick ever since then. it's like Something About Mary
HeadHoncho: I don't think it will get made
theFrey: ah, bummer
allison1: Pity.
HeadHoncho: Lee-- It's not that deep. Just a rythym thang
* Micromary hears her name
dgrequeen: Do you still keep in touch with the folks who stayed behind in Halifax?
HeadHoncho: drequeen not much right now. MM is here, so is Louise
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dgrequeen: ah
HeadHoncho: but I'll get back to Halifax and get the money they owe me
HeadHoncho: GA
dgrequeen: Heh heh
StunnerLuver4: heh
* BlackDalek wants to know... Does it hurt when they cut your head off and put it inside the 790 prop during filming? And what type of adhesive do they use to attach your head back to your body after filming?
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Xirv0: hehe
uber_vixen: lol
HeadHoncho: BlackDelek I have many spare heads. No prob
HeadHoncho: I was grown in a lab
HeadHoncho: Ga
SadGeezer: Jeff, Do you plan to work with Paul and Lex on other projects in the near future?
HeadHoncho: SAd-- we're not writing together, but are opening up a massage studio
SadGeezer: Haha - Hey, I believe you :D
dgrequeen: and who will be the head masseuse?
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Micromary: LOL
angelmay: LOL
Nirvanah_Rimmer: oooo
SadGeezer: dgre - prolly a carrot!
Nirvanah_Rimmer: can I get an appointment :P
HeadHoncho: The beans are the head massuses
HeadHoncho: but we only do each other
dgrequeen: aw
Xirv0: mmm..beans..are they yummy?
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HeadHoncho: I am yummy. Paul and Lex are definitely not
StunnerLuver4: lol
SadGeezer: especially with a drop of quiante
Xirv0: ah...of course.
Xirv0: :rolleyes:
Nirvanah_Rimmer: um...how do you know :P?
Stan: Jeff what do you think about your role in End of the universe?
Xirv0: ;)
HeadHoncho: an aquired taste, shall we say (shudder)
Lee_S: Now, I'd believe that if it came from Lyekka...: )
Nirvanah_Rimmer: :O
HeadHoncho: I met paul thru Michael.
HeadHoncho: I knew MM in theatre school
HeadHoncho: Stan-- what do you mean?
HeadHoncho: GA
MothFedBoy: what other actors (if any) were considered for the guest roles in the movies?
Praxilla: With experimenting on scripts: what did you feel worked best and what in your opinion was a complete flop?
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HeadHoncho: Actors-- I wanted Pee wee herman and Iggy Pop
thegman7: where do you rank Brigadoom among your favorites?
AuntyAlias: in the same episode, that would be interesting
HeadHoncho: whoa
Xirv0: oi
Xirv0: o_O
theFrey: Please people let us wait for a GA, okay?
Nirvanah_Rimmer: they could take turns touching............nevermind
Xirv0: >.<
HeadHoncho: Praxilla-- I can't say right now
Praxilla: k, thanks anyway
HeadHoncho: My defintion of success and flop has many parts to it
HeadHoncho: GA
Lee_S: What inspired you to pattern the story of 790 getting a body after "Alien?" Were you worried that "791" would be poorly received due to its resemblance to the "Alien ripoff" subgenre of sci-horror?
HeadHoncho: Lee- no. not worried. every scifi show at some time must kneel at the altar of Alien
Stan: By Jeff!
HeadHoncho: Bye Stan GA
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Lee_S: So true.
theFrey: Mr. Hirschfield who's idea was it to make 790 turn in to a murderous little schemer he has become.
HeadHoncho: GA
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uber_vixen: 790's scheming rocks :D
HeadHoncho: Frey Paul's I think. But I really pushed it in my scripts
theFrey: :)
HeadHoncho: GA
Doffy: he's soooo evil
StunnerLuver4: Did you ever consider having 790 fall in love with Stan?
SadGeezer: but not much kneeling to other sci fi classics? - Did you feel that LEXX should be different from other shows in that it should break a few taboos?
theFrey: did you enjoy it?
uber_vixen: everyone should have an evil 790 of their own ;)
HeadHoncho: Stunner Yes. But we couldn't take it anywhere
StunnerLuver4: heh
HeadHoncho: Sad-- we lived to break taboos
Lee_S: On that note: was "Terminal" (in part) an homage to the "Doctor Who" episode "Terminus?" Was it devised for the purpose of Zev's departure, or was her death just written in later?
SadGeezer: hehe- I can see that :-)
fx: so you liked 790 being in love with kai?
HeadHoncho: We liked being weird, cult, crazy , all that
HeadHoncho: GA
allison1: You have added so much personality to the role of 790 - the character is what made me start watching Lexx. How difficult was it to create such a personality considering 790 can't gesticulate, walk, etc?
HeadHoncho: Whoa
Lee_S: Sorry about the question barrage.
HeadHoncho: Termianl was not an ode. It was written to say bye to Eva
HeadHoncho: Allison-- I come by my talents with the aid of many stimulants
Nirvanah_Rimmer: lol !!
HeadHoncho: actually it was really hard, and a painful operation to boot
HeadHoncho: GA
allison1: You know, that sounds reasonable! :D
HeadHoncho: BTW I'm not wearing any pants
eo: lol
StunnerLuver4: lol
HeadHoncho: GA
Xirv0: your wearing a dress?
dgrequeen: LOL, Jeff, you sound like you love what you do
Doffy: hehehe
Xirv0: o_O
angelmay: Jeffery, did y'all play practical jokes with each other when filming?
HeadHoncho: I luvs what I does
Praxilla: sorry...how about underwear?
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* Xirv0 dunn wanna know...
Nirvanah_Rimmer: yes Jeff! Boxers or briefs??
Xirv0: >.<
HeadHoncho: No underwear, and sand paper under my butt. Ooooooo
Praxilla: ouch! lol
dgrequeen: wow, whadda man!
thegman7: and carrots?
Xirv0: rawrr
Nirvanah_Rimmer: um.........
theFrey: I loved you as Dick Dongler in fluff daddy, did you enjoy that role?
HeadHoncho: I thought every time Paul or Lex gave me their ideas it was a practical joke
angelmay: hehehehe
HeadHoncho: Unfortunately, it was all too real
* Praxilla giggles It's in BLAZING reality
allison1: :D!
HeadHoncho: Frey-- DD rules! Long live DD
theFrey: :D
* Nirvanah_Rimmer laughs so hard milk shoots out her nose
HeadHoncho: My finest 'part' to date
Xirv0: o_O
theFrey: How do you decide when you are going to play other parts besides 790?
Xirv0: mmm...nasal milk
HeadHoncho: Other parts-- DD I asked for, the directors wanted me for the other stuff
HeadHoncho: GA
MothFedBoy: What was the deal with The Web/The Net - was it a budget thing?
Lee_S: Do you try to sound different as Dick Dongler, etc. so casual viewers won't recognize you as the voice of 790?
HeadHoncho: Web/Net Part budget. Part concept. All not enough time to really make it work
HeadHoncho: Lee-- yes. In Lyekka I have a scene with myself. Too much
HeadHoncho: GA
Praxilla: Is your writing effected because you know your going to be acting the part?
Lee_S: Was the part of P. T. Bando in "Lyekka" written specifically with you in mind?
HeadHoncho: Prax—sometimes
HeadHoncho: Lee-- no
HeadHoncho: GA
fx: what was the most frustrating aspect of working on lexx?
SadGeezer: Jeff, How long does it take you to write a LEXX script?
HeadHoncho: fx-- people not recognizing that I am always right. Always
fx: lol
HeadHoncho: SAd-- I've written from 30 days to 4 days
* Praxilla almost sprays her tea on the monitor
SadGeezer: cool
HeadHoncho: GA
StunnerLuver4: Which one of you Beans wrote the beautiful words of the Stan Song from GigaShadow?
Lee_S: Fan debate: Was Dick Dongler the reincarnated version of the soul of Bando?
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HeadHoncho: Stunn-- I did
StunnerLuver4: SWEET!
StunnerLuver4: You rock!
theFrey: Round of applause for the Song people!
* theFrey claps
* uber_vixen golf claps
dgrequeen: *frantic applause*\
* StunnerLuver4 claps
HeadHoncho: Lee-- uh, don't think so.
Nirvanah_Rimmer: ?me claps
* Praxilla applauds
Nirvanah_Rimmer: oops
uber_vixen: bravo ;)
HeadHoncho: shucks
HeadHoncho: GA
* Nirvanah_Rimmer claps using the prper code
* Xirv0 sneezes
Lee_S: Are you responsible for the poetry trend in "Lexx" ("The Giga Shadow," "Twilight," 790's love sonnets, etc.)?
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HawaiiKai: more applause!
Xirv0: apple sause!
uber_vixen: those songs are better than anything from brigadoom lol
* Doffy gives a standing ovation
Lee_S: Should I cool it with the incessant questions and give the people with brain cells a chance to ask some?
HeadHoncho: Lee- No. We all like it and wrote it, but Lex was the main man there
Nirvanah_Rimmer: yes
theFrey: you might slow down a bit :)
Nirvanah_Rimmer: kidding :)
HeadHoncho: hang on. I have to change the water in the bong
HeadHoncho: GA
theFrey: Mr. Hirschfield did you ever write something totally outragous into the script just to see if you could get one of the actors wound up? :-)
Praxilla: Stop it! I'm gonna choke here! lol
* dgrequeen pounds Praxilla's back
HeadHoncho: Frey-- absolutely. as much a s possible
SadGeezer: hang on, I gotta change the water in the bog
HeadHoncho: diggedy- dog
Nirvanah_Rimmer: lol
* Praxilla hands SadGeezer some bog paper
fx: so who did you like to wind up the most ?
SadGeezer: :D
allison1: Is there anything you wrote that was so outrageous it was vetoed by everyone?
uber_vixen: uhoh...sugar overload....meep
HeadHoncho: outrageous was not often vetoed. Encouraged more like
allison1: GOOD:)
Doffy: that's why we love Lexx :)
HeadHoncho: ga
SadGeezer: Jeff: but did you have anything vetoed?
SadGeezer: because it was too ... over the top, tasteless etc.
HeadHoncho: sad-- lots of stuff. but not because it was too out there
SadGeezer: :)
theFrey: Mr. Hirschfield, what was your most sucessful actor wind up? and did it make it to film?
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HeadHoncho: it was vetoed for story reasons, or the broadcaster reasons
HeadHoncho: frey-- can't answer. They got wound up for different reasons
HeadHoncho: GA
HeadHoncho: and enough with the Mr. Hirschfield stuff, please
Lee_S: Did you write "The Wheel?"
theFrey: :)
HeadHoncho: Lordship will do...
theFrey: got it
StunnerLuver4: LOL
HeadHoncho: Lee- no
HeadHoncho: GA
dgrequeen: Your Lordship, were you sorry to see Lexx end?
* Xirv0 bows to His Almighty Lordship Of All Things... *cough* o_O
* Praxilla turns a spotlight on Where were you, your lordship, on April 22nd, 1987 at 8:00 p.m.?
HeadHoncho: drge-- I'm of mixed emotions
HawaiiKai: Your lordship, have the makers of PEZ ever approached you about making a 790 candy dispenser?
uber_vixen: !
HeadHoncho: no. Can you call them?
uber_vixen: mmm...790 merchandise...
* uber_vixen drools
HawaiiKai: lol
HeadHoncho: GA
theFrey: Five minute warning People.... Last questions?
StunnerLuver4: Jeff, I just wanted to thank you for writing the Stan-bathtub scene in Prime Ridge! You made us Stan Droolers proud!
Praxilla: I still want to see a 790 alarm clock, any possibilities?
HeadHoncho: thanks Stunner-- that was a lot of fun to write
StunnerLuver4: :)
theFrey: yes one that wakes you by hurling abuse!
HeadHoncho: 790 bun warmer!
fx: pat z told us about mm's intestinal problems, any embarassing stories?
uber_vixen: i'd buy any 790 merchandise ;) w00t
dgrequeen: We enjoyed your work very much, all the way through
Micromary: and you turn it off by throwing it against the wall
dgrequeen: and I've been sitting here laughing my head off
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uber_vixen: lol mary
HeadHoncho: dgre-- yer sweet
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dgrequeen: just the facts
ThetaBoi: but fattening ;)
HeadHoncho: GA
Doffy: LOL
Xirv0: *cough*
dgrequeen: hey! *pinch*
BlackDalek: How long do you estimate it will be before we will be able to purchase full-scale working replicas of the Lexx from our local hobbyist stores? I've tried to make my own utilising native earth dragon-flys, but it seems that I only have to order 1 Dalek taskforce to board it and it loses structural integrity and goes *splat*
* ThetaBoi smiles
* uber_vixen giggles
Arania: LOL
angelmay: lol
theFrey: Your Lordship, should we be keeping an eye on Ebay for anymore great 790 Stuff?
Lee_S: Moderators: Did I just get kicked off for not shutting up? 'Cause I'll be good, now.
fx: no lee
HeadHoncho: Black-- dunno. Don't hold yer breath
theFrey: no you pinged Lee
MothFedBoy: could do with some 790 drone arms
fx: c'mon jeff, one embarassing story, puhleeeze?!
MothFedBoy: or Mantrid even
HeadHoncho: Frey-- I have one more 790 mask I may sell. Anyone want my teeth from 791?
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Nirvanah_Rimmer: it's an irc thing Lee
HeadHoncho: GA
Lee_S: Thanks, Frey, I don't understand technical computer stuff.
dgrequeen: oo, teeth?
Insipida: Are there any people you'd like to thank before you sign off for the evening?
ThetaBoi: yes, I find I need teeth tonight
theFrey: do they come with a poem?
HawaiiKai: I just wanna say that there are few things that I've enjoyed as much as Lexx!! Thanks, Jeff!
fx: thank you jeff for taking the time!
Doffy: yes, thanks for coming, Jeff!
Xirv0: adios, jeff
dgrequeen: yes, thank you
* Xirv0 bows and such
HeadHoncho: I'd like to thank everyone here. you fans are unbelievable.
Nirvanah_Rimmer: yes! yourock
uber_vixen: 790 is my favourite character from Lexx and definitely what kept me interested in the show (mmm, 790 poetry and Stan insults...) ty :D
* Xirv0 fans HeadHoncho
Praxilla: big thank you, your lordship ;)
ThetaBoi: we'll buy the next time we see you!
less: hope to see you in toronto for hoggcon2 jeff:)
StunnerLuver4: thanks so much Jeff, you rock!!!
fx: we love you your lordship
MothFedBoy: cheers - keep up the good work
angelmay: Thanks for doing the chat Jeff, hope you can do one again sometime!
* theFrey thanks his Lordship for his time and consideration
Amyzon: bye Jeff
HeadHoncho: I hope we can do something for you Lexx wise in the future.
allison1: Yes - thank you for taking the time :)
Amyzon: Thank you for coming.
Doffy: We hope so too! :D
dgrequeen: SPIN OFF!!!
Nirvanah_Rimmer: i worship jeff's shadow :P
Arania: yes...
Lee_S: It is an honor speaking with one so prestigious as you.
Micromary: merchandising!!
AuntyAlias: barring that order from ME
uber_vixen: i need 790 everything :D
* Praxilla grabs onto that hope woo hoo!
AuntyAlias: had to plug my stuff
HeadHoncho: I'll do my best. I'll let you know if my other series goes, and hopefully you'll see a little Lexx in it
theFrey: yes please more lexx wise :)
Doffy: great!
dgrequeen: Yes, please do!
HawaiiKai: Yeah!
allison1: :)
theFrey: yes please keep us posted on your future projects :)
less: thanks so much jeff:)
HeadHoncho: We couldn't have done it without you guys
StunnerLuver4: hope to see you at Uncon, Jeff!
less: and hoggcon;)
HeadHoncho: Hope to be there
ThetaBoi: yuo could, but it's nice of you to say that
HeadHoncho: I wish you all the very, very best.
HeadHoncho: Bye now
dgrequeen: same to you
uber_vixen: come to australia some time :D teehee
Doffy: bye!
fx: and to you bye
StunnerLuver4: bye!
ThetaBoi: bye!
Nirvanah_Rimmer: bye
angelmay: Bye Jeff!!
allison1: Back at you.
theFrey: Well thank you all for attending the Jeff Hirschfield chat
uber_vixen: cya :D
Praxilla: goodnite
less: schuЯ jeff
Nirvanah_Rimmer: Luv :)
HeadHoncho: Bye bye
theFrey: bye
HawaiiKai: Best to you, too!
Nirvanah_Rimmer: Sparkles *
AuntyAlias: Thanks Jeff
allison1: Frey - thank you for hosting.
AuntyAlias: xoxoxo
Xirv0: adios, Jeff
ThetaBoi: nite!
Praxilla: It was great Frey, thank you!
MothFedBoy: cya
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