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Centauri, Guardian of Natural Phenomena

I wandered into the Everworld,
Through the Land of Loss.
I started the search to fulfill my quest,
To win and beat the boss.
Through a hole in space and time itself,
I came here from afar.
Now I feel like straps have held me back,
Stopped me like a bar.
And now that I am trapped here,
I watch the world I use to know.
I ask myself if I can ever return,
And the answer is always No.
They all have eyes but they cannot see
The gradual flow of time.
I gaze at them and I can see their hearts,
Yet though they look they will never see mine.
They all have ears but they cannot hear
The outburst; the call of pain.
Nor the laugh of imagination that flies
Without restrictions; wild yet tame.
It is as if I'm invisible
To the naked eye.
And it is as if I'm silent,
For they cannot hear my cry.
As I gaze up to the vastness,
The deep that holds the stars,
The emptiness catches on fire.
I watch in horror as it chars.
The flame travels to my being,
As it shatters without a sound.
And a single tear rolls down my cheek,
To settle on the ground.

Copyright 2000 Caitlin Carlson