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Find Another for a Mother

Why didn't you ever care how I feel?
Why did you act as if I wasn't real?
Why did you go off and leave me alone?
Then wonder why this was no longer your home?
Why do you make excuses, why do you lie?
Why are you so cruel when you see that I cry?
Why do you subject me to this emotional assault?
Why do you imply that everything is my fault?
Why do you show me that you don't care?
Then get mad and say that I am not fair?
Why did you write me those letters so mean,
Then turn and say that we are a team?
Why do you promise never to leave,
Then go, and I'm left alone to grieve?
The only love I had was from the voice in my mind,
But how can I be blamed for being left behind?
You didn't want me anymore, so you chose another.
You've resigned your position, you're no longer my mother.
You find another family-trade the old for the new,
But you think you can still tell me what to do?
You said you would do it all for my sake,
You know what I've learned? You're a liar, a fake.
You discarded my love, you lost my trust,
But you don't understand that I do what I must.
I've folded under pressure-I can no longer bend.
And your selfish behavior must come to an end.
I send you a message: You are uncouth.
And I say one thing: You must face the truth.
Your reputation is something from which you can't hide,
Its secrets are rumors in which you confide.
Your future's uncertain, the path is not set,
But the past, I assure you, I will never forget.
You gave up your daughter for childish lust,
And never is a long time, even for us.

Copyright 2001 Caitlin Carlson