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He Never Knew

You were the one I always loved,
I seemed to watch you from above.
You never knew that I was there,
While all the time I hid, scared.
I sat up there, all alone,
Wishing I could take you home.
But, alas, you never knew
How much I was in love with you.
I always saw you, you never saw me,
Now finally I'll make you see.
You thought I was wild, I thought you were tame,
Out into the darkness I call your name.
I never could make you understand;
So I look around, and wave my hand,
I leave in a note my last goodbye,
I turn around, and with a sigh,
I leave this world for a better place,
Where everyone will see my face.
But I will never see them too,
For the only one I see is you.
And I'll watch you live your life in awe,
For I was the one you never saw.

Copyright 2001 Caitlin Carlson