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Gossamer, Guardian against Bad Dreams

A living, waking nightmare,
A dream within a dream,
Stitching with the thread of time,
But with poorly embroidered seams.
A liar's still a liar
When behind a friendly face,
The most poetic dancer
Can still move without grace.
A magical sense of wonder
Can always be a fake,
A thief will always be a thief,
No matter what he takes.
The silence is easily broken
By the sounds of fallen worlds,
The twisting spiral of galaxies
Is easily un-swirled.
Someone can be miserable,
But not know the meaning of strife;
And what you call the biggest lie,
Everyone else calls 'life.'
A foolish vision, a fantasy,
Just a dream within a dream,
And now you know that everything
Isn't always what it seems.

Copyright 2001 Caitlin Carlson