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This is How You Make Me Feel

You hurt yourself, you kill yourself,
Then you rise back from the dead;
With everything you say or do,
It's as if you've died inside my head.
You claim responsibility,
But you put my life on hold,
And you force me to stand by and watch
While my memories are sold.
You refuse to face the truth
That you exploited my deepest fears,
You robbed my of my life, my trust,
You took away my precious years.
I do not recognize myself,
Decifering thoughts no one can know;
Life's moved on, left me behind,
And ambitious hopes that cannot grow
Are left alone in fields of dreams
Where raindrops blot the lifeless sun;
The weeks and months and years pass by
As many days form out of one.
Horrible silence echoes hate,
And shadows rampage through the land.
A life wasted bound to inevitable pain,
As slowly through the hourglass flows the sand.
Don't know if what you say is true,
Or if your thoughts are even real;
But whether you exist or not,
This is how you make me feel.

Copyright 2001 Caitlin Carlson