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Magnificent Land

Demetria, Guardian of Sincerity, Purity, and Honesty

She stands at foot of hill and glade
And looks out across the land,
Grasping in her fingertips
The golden grains of sand.

The foam waves crash along the shore,
Against the sea cliffs proud and tall,
The seals echo the wild wind,
The white gull sounds his call.

The sun shines down upon the world,
The moon watches over night,
The clouds encase invisible trails,
Left by birds in flight.

The squirrel guards tree branches,
The fox makes trunk his home,
The lost cub wails in lonliness,
The turtledove flies alone.

Dark shadows blot the lifeless sun,
Falling bombs scorch the sky,
See eternal darkness,
Hear the hungry child cry.

See the homeless begging,
Hear the shots of guns,
Hear them all pretending,
See the fearful run.

Tears of loss and of regret
Are cupped in her trembling hand,
And she shudders to think of what's become
Of this once magnificent land.

Copyright 2001 Caitlin Carlson