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A sound into the silence,
You hear her hopeful sighs,
Yet you stand there and do nothing
But blame her for your lies.
Straining to move in a web of deceit,
To see what is not there,
And the burden of your absence
Is more than she can bear.
Body living in this world,
But dead and gone she feels inside;
All of it because of you
And your daughter, whom you denied
Everything a daughter needs
To learn and grow and laugh and live;
All she wanted was for you to love her,
But even that you would not give.
Pushed her aside despiter her pleas,
Deaf to hear her pain-filled cries;
You turn away and don't look back,
While in the shadows she slowly dies.
For selfish reasons you sold her soul,
Now a passive look is in her stare.
You changed from motive to unknown motive,
But it matters not, you did not care.
Shame on you, to leave behind
She to whom love you would not show;
You turn to ask for another chance,
But your hate has faded her, you loved too slow.

So I guess now you will never know.

Copyright 2001 Caitlin Carlson