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I don't know why you stay here,
I don't know why you refuse to leave,
I don't know why you're so persistant,
You know that with you I cannot breathe.
I don't know why you hate me,
I don't know why you hurt me so,
I don't know why you say you love me,
And if you did, it did not show.
Why do you give me love, then hate?
Why do you keep going up, then down?
Why don't you spare me this confusion?
Why won't you just stop making me drown?
Why do you continue to crush me?
Why do you give me eternal pain?
Why do choose to ruin my life?
Then say that I'm the one to blame?
Why do you say the cruel things you say?
Why do you do the mean things you do?
Why do you believe in your own delusions?
Why can't you see that I don't need you?

Copyright 2001 Caitlin Carlson