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You Say You Love Me......

When tears of stars are gracefully wept,
When the angels of the clouds have slept,
When Sleeping Beauty does awake,
When proof becomes the lying fake,
When the immortal become old,
When no secret is left untold,
When insomniacs no longer lie awake in bed,
When everything to say has already been said,
When worlds melt, when Hell does freeze,
When stillness feels its first gentle breeze,
When Fools are crowned and rule the land,
When life itself can be held in your hand,
When weeping willows no longer cry,
When an honest tongue utters a lie,
When the saddest person finally laughs,
When people speak on THEIR OWN behalf,
When existence echoes in eternal sleep,
When all of your promises you finally keep,
When you decide never again to leave;
That is when I will believe.

Copyright 2001 Caitlin Carlson