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Cat Things


I don't think people online realise exactly how Kitty Cat Crazy I actually am. Because of this, I'm dedicating this section to the fabulous felines of my life.

I've moved into my house and I've now got two adopted kittys, Smartie (who as detailed below is homeless due to a relationship breakup, what I didn't know was that he was pretty much kept in an attic!) and the other, Scruff, turned up on my doorstep and asked for some food - she was so thin and scraggly that I looked after her and took her to the vets. She was in such poor shape that she had to have half her fur shaved off coz the tats in it were so bad! Both of them started their new life with flea-drops and worm tablets (and they both needed them!) They've both been vaccinated and Smartie has a identi-chip, (I didn't get Scruff one incase she decided to move on, but when I nest take her to the vets she'll be getting chipped too, I think she's decided to stay). Scruff is still more underweight than I hoped she'd be by now, but the vet thinks she's about 10 years old, so she's an old kitty now.

Smartie was snipped (neutered) before I got him, by the people who previously owned him. I asked the vet if she knew if Scruff had been done and she said she didn't know. The only way to find out would be to do exploritary surgery, but because she was so weak, she'd probably not live through it. Because she's so old though, the vet believes that she must have been spayed because most female cats don't live to the age of 10 after they've reproduced. She said to keep an eye out to see if she comes into heat, but she never has, so she must be spayed.

They've both settled and even though Scruff will bop Smartie on the nose if he gets too close, they seem to have accepted each other OK and they both love sitting next to me/on me/anywhere possible, when I get a seat for a few minutes!

Here are a couple of cute ickle piccys of them both the day Scruff first came into the house...

Scruff Cat
Scruff cat, living up to her name, before she got to the vets and became less 'scruffy'!

Smartie & Scruff

Smartie and Scruff in the same room... I don't think either realised the other was there! *smile*



The cat that our family have - she's still at my parent's house, she's about 15 so it'd be unfair to uproot her to my house - not to mention that Dad would miss her lots! I've got a few photo's to scan in, (once I find them - moving house, a guaranteed way to lose the things you love!) to let everyone know exactly how cute she really is. Once I move into my new house, I'll be able to get some photos of my soon to be cat called Mr Smartie Pants. He is technically homeless due to a relationship breakup and would probably have ended up going to a shelter. He's two and has been snipped and I'll be taking him in as soon as possible to stop him being 'stuck' with people who don't really want him.

I'll get round to updating this page, probably after New Year, as I don't have much time online from now until then.


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