"© 2000-2003 by Tracey Amanda Dixon"

This website is Copywrited to © Amber Missy's Realm and is the sole property of the owner, Tracey Amanda Dixon, (online name - Amber Missy), and this site may not be reproduced for personal or commercial use without express permission from the owner.

Most images and backgrounds are taken from various sources and there are links to these in my "Credit Links" section. Some of these images may have been taken from a time before I actually intended to put my website online (see My Old Page) which was created on a course to learn basic HTML. Since then I have tried to keep track of where I've used graphics from and credit them appropriatly. If you know of any graphics that come from a site that is not credited or if you are the owner of a graphic and do not wish it to be used, then please contact me at amber_missy@hotmail.com and I will take appropriate action.

All graphical links and award graphics on this website are owned by their respective creators and may not be used from this site. If you follow the link then you may be able request the graphic from the webmistress/webmaster of the linked site.

All poetry is Copywrited to Tracey Amanda Dixon (Nome de Plume - Amanda Richardson) and may not be reproduced without permission of the author. If you wish to use one of the poems from this site, please contact me at amber_missy@hotmail.comand let me know why you'd like to use the poem. In most cases, I'm sure I'll say yes, I've not come across a reason to say no yet!

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