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Put the key in the door, turn it.
Savour the sensation of metal grinding in your hand.
Grasp the handle, twist it.
The realisation freedom waits on the other side overwhelms you.
Pull on the door, open it.
See that the outside is calling you, like you’d never seen the world before.
Step into the cold air, breath it.
Feel the freedom flowing into your lungs, sharp and fresh until you want to burst.
The trees move in the breeze, watch them.
See the world shimmering where the frost bites the leaves and flowers of her womb.
Look back on the door, close it.
Shut that chapter of your life out of your mind, out of your heart for another day.
You’re free for a while, enjoy it.
Run wild for the day, engrave your freedom onto your heart so you can recall it when you’re trapped once more.
Step away from the door, leave it.
Go for the bus so your day can begin, away from the hell you call home.
Enjoy it.

But don’t forget your school bag.