I'm really excited about the house - I've finally got all my furniture moved in from my Gran's house, and it's all stuffed into various nooks and crannies! For the rest of the week, I'll be moving the bits and pieces of 'my stuff' from my parent's house to my house and then next weekend I'll spend the time trying to arrange everything so that it's livable in!
*I can't wait!*
I'd like to let John know that, even if I have don't like what's happened between us, (and openly voice it), I hope that he's still my friend. I don't want to fall out completely. I'm sorry if what I say on here upsets you, but I hope you understand when I say "You changed my life so much and upset me so much, that if he can't handle the truth about how that has affected me, then perhaps you should have thought of that before you changed everything? Or even before we got engaged?"
I'd like to thank both Angel Carrie and Laura from Waving_Words for the gift and the award that they have given me this week.
I've finally organised a holiday with my sister to Scotland, I'm dreading the drive up, she's insisting on drving half way, and I'm more scared of her driving than she is of mine! (THAT'S SCARY!)
But... I can't wait to have some time off work...
Gillian and I have also decided it's about time to revert back to childhood and have a girly sleep-over this weekend...!
Pyjamas, booze, chick-flicks and giggles, but NO BLOKES ALLOWED!
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