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W/C 15 April 2002!!!

Well, this week, I've (once again) not really been up to much. We had the

Derwentside College's Annual Review & Achievement Awards

on Monday evening, and I got a HUGE display of flowers at the end of it or all my hard work!!!
(OK so they were the ones from the side of the stage that I was give, but they are still beautiful!)

At least my hard work was recognised by the people who actually care (Yup - that'd be my boss!) and I'm just glad that it was appreciated. - No more overtime for a while *I hope!*

Jonny still isn't speaking to me after I bit him, and I miss speaking to him. I guess I can live without him, but if he wants to get in touch, then he... knows where I live! ~:oP

I've kind of developed a Spike (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) obsession (including joining his online fan club!

Fan No. 590
and I'd just like to thank Mark for designing a fab background for my computer!!! Also to say, good luck for the job! *fingers crossed!*

The last thing I'd like to mention is that I've joined an Engineering Course (OK so it's Electronics, and is designed specifically for women, but it's still classed as engineering!) at the college, and it's quite interesting. I've so far wired a plug (something I learnt how to do in Brownies!) and wire a internal house single switch lighting circuit through a junction box! *Ooooh!* I was really chuffed when the test worked, and I'll actually see if it lights up next week!... I'll let you know how it goes!

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