Well, I've finally got my front room sorted, it looks almost perfect. I've got to sort out some throws for the sofa and some vertical blinds for the windows, but it looks great. All the lilacs look lovely and the fireplace sets it off great. I curled up in it on Sunday and spent two hours just sitting with Smartie on my knee and Scruff curled up on the seat next to me and read Sorcery (Terry Pratchett) from cover to cover in total harmony. I felt as though I'd reached heaven and everything was perfect and peaceful.
I've also got the staircase finished (except an ickle bit of carpet) so that's another piece of my home nearly finished! Horray!
Then... After the nice, peaceful time on Sunday, I came down with another bug from Monday till Wednesday, which has left me 4lb lighter and back down to 9 stone 7lb!!! (60kg for those who are metric) I might have to consider a liquid only diet for 24 hours every week/month! - I might get back to 9 stone yet!? - OK probably not... But I can hope.
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