Mood: a-ok
Now Playing: There Goes my Life -- Kenny Chesney
I'm just in a day-dreamy mood today. Only a few more days until my current job ends and I'm in transition. Transition can be hard sometimes, but I know that I'll be fine. I am really looking forward to starting my new job. I'll be working in Kentucky for the archdioceses... LOL, I think they pay my check. Actually, I'm going to start working in a daycare center run by a church down there. I'll be working with older toddlers. My new boss is a Sister of Notre Dame.
I'm just passing time before mass tonight. I go to mass every Tuesday night at the Mercy Center down here. I help out in the sacristy there, and also help pass out communion to the people who cannot make it up to communion.
I got invited to the Sisters' Jubilee celebration this Sunday. I am sooo looking forward to it. But I'm nervous. The last jubilee celebration that I went to of a different group of Sisters, I got kicked out of because the "right" people didn't invite me (though I WAS invited). Anyways, depending on my mood, I can walk into a room full of people that I don't really know and be ok. Most of the time. I just hope that there will be someone there who will invite me to sit with them. One of my friends was supposed to go with me, but she had something come up. But I will not chicken out! I really want to go and meet some of the other Sisters.
Wish me luck.