Mood: mischievious
Now Playing: Peppermint Twist
Hi everyone!
I love my new job! Monday will be the start of my second week there. So far, I've worked with the infants the most then the toddlers then the schoolagers. I've also been going across the street to the convent where my boss lives for evening prayer. I totally like it there.
Eep! I actually e-mailed the vocation director (who's on retreat now) and asked her what the next step is for me. I still have that homesick feeling for the Sisters and the prayer. I hope her response will be favorable. I won't know for another week or so though because of the retreat, though so I'll try not to think of it until I hear from her.
She wants to start up a chat room for people who are discerning a call to religious life as a Sister. I think that it would be a good thing for her to do and she's asked me if I can help her do such an endevor. I'm excited about it! I can't wait until she gets back so that I can ask her what her ideas were on a chatroom, and what kind of committment she'd be willing to put into it. I think it's awesome that she asked me and I've love to help with that kind of thing.
Pray for my new boss. She had a biopsy on Friday. I hope that she finds out that everything is ok. I can't wait to go into work tomorrow and ask her how she's doing.
Today I hung out with my friends Renee, Sr Joanne, and Sr Mary Carol (who are Sisters of Mercy) that are my friends from the Tuesday night mass that I attend. I had alot of fun. We went to visit a priest and we played Poker and I won five dollars. I didn't know we were playing for money. LOL.
Peace out!