Mood: a-ok
I've got only a few mintues before I have to get into my workplace (the actual room, I'm writing from the staff room), so I can't write too much.
Yesterday Sr MN and I took the ducklings that she'd hatched to the nature trails behind one of the cemetaries down here. The ducklings got to play in the creek while we watched them swim. There were lots of people on the trail that day..lots of kids who loved seeing the ducklings. It was fun. I didn't take my hiking shoes, but oh well.
I also got to help out with the sign at the school (Prince of Peace) next door, where the Sisters that I live with work. They're now registering for next year. I also helped Sr MSuz with a powerpoint presentation that she's going to give at the provincial gathering next month for prayer.
Well, I've gotta go now. Will write more some other time.
Still haven't heard from the vocation director or the provincial.