Mood: happy
I'm interviewing for a job. I'm very happy about the change. It doesn't bother me too much that I'm currently unemployed. My trust is in God. I know that this will all turn out for the better. I've already learned so much from this experience. I've got two interviews within next week. One's at Little Red Schoolhouse (corporate office), and the other's at Goddard school. Both are near where I live with the Sisters.
I'm able to breathe more easily. I feel incredibly relieved! I can't really explain the "why" of this. It just is.
I was able to name what I need to grow in, and I am sure that I wouldn't have been able to grow where I worked no fault of theirs. They were simply keeping up the child to teacher ratio that the state had set. I just know that it was hard for me to have 5 older infants by myself and try to implement lesson plans and keep the kids from killing each other in the mean-time. I just didn't feel adequate enough to do this. It's better for everyone if there's someone else in the room with me most of the time. That way assistance is there when needed.
I have nothing against where I worked previously and I wish them well.
Please keep me in your prayers as I am continually stepping through open know, where a door closes, God always opens a window.
God Bless!