Mood: celebratory
I've been in community for my live-in for nearly a month now (since the 7th of January), I really still feel like I've been here longer than that. I really like community living, the Sisters are all so wonderful.
This past Friday was my birthday and they took me out to a pizzeria called "Venice on Vine" which is run by two Sisters from other communities (SNDdeN and a Dominican Sister of Hope) a job training program, if anyone is curious to read anything about it, just google "Venice on Vine" and "Cincinnati". I had a really fun time. I was allowed to invite along the vocation director and we all crammed into one car...there were five of us total. Then after that we came home and played a game of Dominoes. (I came in second place).
Yesterday (Saturday), I fixed chili and had a friend come over to the house to eat dinner with us. I again had a blast!
Pray for me on Wednesday as I meet again with the vocation director to continue with "God Grant me a Discerning Heart", which is a series of reflection papers for discernment...or at least I think that's what we're going to talk about...I don't know for sure.