A Light
I finally know where I'll be living for the next few months. I'm really excited about it, but I really haven't gotten the chance to meet the Sisters that I'll be living with yet. I could probably only pull one of them out of a line-up.
I'm excited and I'm nervous. What a combination. I've got butterflies in my stomach and a feeling to run, but my prayer has been that since God got me this far, He'd have to hold me down and help me during this part of the journey. I know that He will take care of me.
Anyways, I met with the vocation director the other day...actually she kinda snuck up on me as I was praying in the chapel... Pretending to be the voice of Our Lady and telling me to follow her... Ha! That got me thinking.
I finally got the chance to WANDER in that chapel, something that I'd been aching to do for a long time, but there was always someone in there and I didn't want to disturb their prayers. I got a good look at the stations of the cross in there and they were awesome. There are some very symbolic things in each of the carvings (if that's what you call them) of each station. I really did some great wandering reflection until one of the Sisters came in to pray. I don't like being a distraction, so I stopped wandering when that Sister walked in.
I am excited to meet the Sisters that I'll be living with. I can identify one of them, but the other two names don't ring a bell. I am looking forward to getting to know them all.
So, there's also going to be a dog where I'll be living. That's going to be cool. I hope that I like the dog.
Well, I'll close for now.