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Hey Everybody! This is my "Little Angel" SAMANTHA LEE MANNING. She was born July 15, 2002 @ 10:47 pm at Sacred Hearts Hospital in Pensacola, Florida. She was 20 1/2 inches long and weighed 6 lbs. 8.8 ounces. She was born on a Monday Night and was flown out by Air Ambulance to Egleston Children's Hospital of Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia the following morning.

This is what Lori and I first saw when we got to Atlanta. After an open heart surgery and about 16 days in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit in Atlanta and a few more days in a regular room in Atlanta, we got to bring our Little Girl home.

This is the way she looks now, a lot better!

And another picture of the "cutest little angel" that every left Atlanta, Georgia!

She thinks (or rather HER MOM thinks) that she is already a little model!

This is what it looks like when a "Little Angel" sleeps.

And she may be a Little Angel, but she still has a little temper!

And of course, you know that I've got to put in my two cents about rednecks! (She does make a cute little redneck!)

Now just look at that face. You know that with that look or one of her little smiles that she already has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger!

This is one of her latest pictures. As you can tell, she is happy and HEALTHY!

Look at that smile! That will brighten up any bad day!

With that look, you know that she will get any thing she wants!!!

The pictures above are some of the latest pictures of Samantha. These were taken after her SECOND heart surgery. She is doing great, as you can tell.

HEY!! During the time that Samantha stayed in Atlanta, Georgia, she adopted several Aunts. Of course these were the Angels that work as Nurse in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. I, especially, as well as Lori and Samantha would like to express our deepest heart felt thanks to each and every one and want you all to know that you will always have a special place in our hearts. God Bless and We Love You!!!

Aunt Kris -- A Georgia Peach that was so sweet.

Aunt Kathleen -- You know each family has there strange ones, well this is the one! She's from Southern Ireland so she thinks that she's a southern chick. I tried to teach her to talk southern but had to give up. (I had to do that Kathleen, love ya anyways!)

Aunt Elizabeth -- She's from the Virgin Islands and teamed up with Aunt Rose on the t-shirts.

Aunt Rose -- The Georgia Peach that kept Samantha in t-shirts and took the time to make her a little name tag for her crib.

This is the name tag that Aunt Rose made.

There are many more whose name I didn't get.

And last but certainly not least, Aunt Jodie. Jodie is an angel that has the title of Social Worker. She is a God Send that is so very helpful and such a sweet person. I don't see how she does everything that she does. We will always remember her and have a special place in our hearts for her.

Let me get on my soap box for a minute. Lori and I had to drive to Atlanta and spend a few weeks up there waiting for Samantha to go through her heart surgery. I don't know what we would have done if it wouldn't have been for our friends and family. And, I don't know what we would have done if it wouldn't have been for the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald House is run only on donations. They charged Lori and I $7.00 per night. And even told us that if we couldn't afford that then they wouldn't charge us a penny. I hope and pray that no one I know and care about has to go through what we did but I'm happy and very thankful that there is a Ronald McDonald House there in case they do. Now, here's my big request, make a donation to the Ronald McDonald House in honor of SAMANTHA LEE MANNING. Just look at the pictures above, how can you say no?

The address is Atlanta Ronald McDonald House

792 Houstan Mill Road

Atlanta, Georgia 30329.


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