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Law Enforcement

I have been in Law Enforcement for over 20 years..

I have been a member of a Special Weapons And Tactics Team (SWAT) and a Special Response Team (SRT).

This is one of Crestview Police Department's 2000 Chevrolet Impalas. It is marked as a Supervisor's Patrol Car.

This was my latest vehicle with the Crestview Police Department. It's a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Supervisor's Vehicle.

Here's the side view of it.

This is one Crestview Police Department old Ford Crown Vics with the old color scheme.

The Okaloosa County Sheriff Department SRT (Special Response Team) Vehicles.

The old "B" Shift. (From Left to Right) Sgt. Chris Infinger, Sgt. John H. Manning, Jr., and Sgt. David Bracewell.

This is my Dad, John H. Manning, Sr., back when he was the Chief of Police in Lockhart, Alabama.

This is Sgt. David Bracewell.

This is Sgt. Chris Infinger.

This is Officer Louisa Kimble and Me. Louisa is another dear friend, more like a little sister. She left the Crestview Police Department to become a Correctional Officer with the Florida Department of Corrections.

This is Me and Auxilary Sgt. Joe Ware. He is a dear friend, and I miss working with him. The "GOOFBALL" took a job in Japan.

This is Officer Sherry Haggart, trying to make everyone think she is reading something.

This is Officer Ken Couch, a nut but a dear friend and not too bad of an officer.

Another picture of Officer Sherry Haggart, a dear friend and an outstanding officer.

Officer Ken Couch and me.

Officer Sherry Haggart and me.

Just hanging around.

Look who's coming for dinner!

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Samantha's Page
