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This is my son's page. JOHN HOLLAND MANNING, III.

This was Christmas 2000 picture.

He did pretty good talking to Santa. Now the Easter Bunny was a different story.

This is another picture of Little John. In case you can't read the t-shirt, it says "If you think I'm cute you should see my Grandpa!"

See what happens when you are a little person, your Mom dresses you funny!

What can I say?

Now there is some serious concentration!

He's about to get it figured out!

Little John totally happy!

OUTSIDE and running hard as he can!

And of course you got to have plenty of DIRT!

Another past time, looking at Airplanes and Jets as they fly over. Being near Eglin AFB helps out alot with this.

Little John loves to help Dad, with whatever Dad has to do!

Even when Dad cuts the grass, Little John has to do it too!

Little John loves Dad's Patrol Car too!

He really likes it when I turn on my emergency lights.

Not quite big enough, yet!

Chopper's Home Page
Family & Friends
Law Enforcement
Chopper's Chariot
In Loving Memory
Strange & Unusual
Chopper's Patches (Page 1)
Chopper's Patches (Page 2)
Chopper's Patches (Page 3)
My Collection
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
Samantha's Page
The "Z" Page
