As I explained on the previous page, I was planning on having this voting thingy where you get to choose your
favorite character (one girl and one boy) and I pick the ones that got the
highest votes and write what it would be like from each of their point of views
if they went out on a date. But, since I'm lazy, I just thought I'd pull names
out of a hat---Bustopher Jones' hat, to be exact! I rearrange the
names every so often. I've only rearranged this once, and I'd really like to keep the old ones, so here they are! Look at all the hilarious results!
Now, now, don't be mad at me if you don't like the couple. It's the hat's fault. I may make the funniest combinations into banners, so please don't take these combinations. =) Assuming you won't, thanx.
Grizabella and Quaxo(Mistoffelees)
If she went out with Quaxo: She would be honored to go out
with one of the best dancers in the Junkyard.
If he went out with Grizabella: Na, he'd think she's too old for him.
Bombalurina and Plato
If she went out with Plato: Who knows about her? She'll probably treat him
like she treats Pouncival.
If he went out with Bombalurina: No one can escape the seduction of Bombalurina,
Cassandra and Carbuckety (Admetus)
If she went out with Carbuckety: She might like him, but she seems a little
If he went out with Cassandra: Gee, he might like her, he might not. I have
Victoria and Skimbleshanks
If she went out with Skimbleshanks: It probably wouldn't work out because
Skimby's her dad, but if he weren't then she would probably be too busy thinking about Quaxo.
She'd probably be too busy thinking about him either way, hehe.
If he went out with Victoria: He'd sing her to death. Ha, ha, ha! Do you realize that that made no sense whatsoever? Aw, I don't care.
Exotica and Mungojerrie
If she went out with Mungojerrie: He might be
outrageous for her.
If he went out with Exotica: He wouldn't be able to see her,
she's so dark! Ha, ha!
Rumpleteazer and Alonzo
If she went out with Alonzo: They actually might hit it off.
If he went out with Rumpleteazer: He might like her.
Tantomile and Macavity
If she went out with Macavity: She might like him, she might not. You never
know. She's kind of freaky and you never really know about her, so she might go with him.
If he went out with Tantomile: There's no telling WHAT goes on in his mind.
Etcetera and Tumblebrutus
If she went out with Tumblebrutus: They could belong together. I'll bet they're
young enough to be discusted with one another, though.
If he went out with Etcetera: They're both over-hyperactive kittens; it could work.
Jemima and Asparagus
If she went out with Asparagus: She'd be scared. I can say
that much.
If he went out with Jemima: Um...ew?
Demeter and Rum Tum Tugger
If she went out with Rum Tum Tugger: She would absolutely despise him. Her throat
might get a little sore from hissing at him so much. =P
If he went out with Demeter: Only this I can say: poor Tugger. His face will
be so sore from slap and claw marks.
Jellylorum and Coricopat
If she went out with Coricopat: Uh...yuck? If Asparagus weren't her mate I'd say
alrighty. Alrighty to what? I dunno. I'd just say "Alrighty." Uh...
If he went out with Jellylorum: An interesting match.
Jennyanydots and Munkustrap
If she went out with Munkustrap: EEEEEEEWWWWWW-WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!
(Well...actually...that's what I say about ALL the couples drawn.)
If he went out with Jennyanydots: Sure, they could be friends, but any other kind
of relationship wouldn't work.
Electra and Pouncival
If she went out with Pouncival: She might like him. ...That's it?
...Yeah, that's it.
If he went out with Electra: They'd get along because they're both hyperactive
kittens. But I think he really belongs with Etcetera.
Just to let you know, the stuff on these characters is only what
I think. Most of it may be true, but if you have a different opinion, that's
fine with me. Just don't go prancing around saying that it's the gospel truth, alright?
[background a Hamburg image]