
If she went out with Mungojerrie: Finally! My dreams would come true! YOUR dreams! Yeah. MY dreams.

Profile: I introduce Electra! The Vice President of the Tugger Fanclub!! Yeah, right. Well...she IS some kind of member of the Tugger Fanclub. How do you know there's even a club? BECAUSE MY FRIEND GAMBLER INVENTED ONE!!!...I think. Well, by now she prob'ly has. OK! SO...she luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvs Tugger and she's friends with Etcetera, Jemima, and Victoria, aaaaaaand...that's all, folks!

Names: Family name Electra, other name...uh...Shock! I dunno!

Nicknames: 'Lecky. I luv that nickname. And El! And Elec.

Age: Kitten; Etcetera and Pouncival's age.

Parents: At first I thought Bombalurina and Macavity but then I thought Asparagus and Jellylorum since her and Etcetera do seem kind of sisterish. And she does look a lot like Asparagus. *muttering* I wish she were Bombalurina and my daughter. Woulda made El's profile a LOT more interesting. Mmmmm-hmmmm. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Random Facts:
As far as I know, Electra only exists in the video and UK productions.

Wig: Red and black.
Makeup: White around the mouth, drawn on fancy-type eyebrows, freckles, and not much more.
Collar: No collar
Unitard: Multicolored; a mix between brown, black, and red. I also noticed that in Electra in most (if not all) productions, her unitard has a low neck.
Warmers: No warmer on her right arm, and a red one on her left. No clue about her legs, though.
Tail: Multicolored?
Shoes: Black? Or red?

Electra receives...
The Tugger Award!
The Hyperness Award!
The Cute Award! (I'm sorry if I didn't give this to any of the other kittens, but...she just seems to deserve this so much. She does! She really does!)

She looks like she's possessed here. (Bustopher Jones song.)



London, '98.

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[video Electra border]