Profile: Grizabella is an outcast to the Junkyard. Every time she tries to approach the Jellicles they all scare her off. I think the kittens really should reach up and touch her---who cares what the adults say! Ah, but then there wouldn't be a story, now would there? Yeah. Just a bunch of cats dancing around. *rolls his eyes* We all know that if I weren't a character then there wouldn't even be a show! Sure. Whatever. You just won't admit it. Whatever!
Names: Hm, I wonder if 'Grizabella' is a combination of both her names: her family name is Belle, and her other name is Griz, so when you put them together you get Grizabella! You've been sniffing basement fumes, haven't you? Nope. School fumes.
Nicknames: Griz, Grizzy, Griza... 'Bella?
Age: All I know is old. Probably as old as Deutereonomy. My friend thinks they're a perfect match. Yeah. They're both big green blobs moving across the stage. *lol* Yeah!
Parents: Gee, I dunno!
Random Facts:
Wig: Some kind of old lady wig. Oh, ha, ha. Hey, it's
very true!
Makeup: Red lipstick, and gray smudges all over to make her look old
and wrinkly.
Collar: The same material her tail's made out of.
Unitard: She has a really weird unitard underneath everything. It
looks like a bunch of dead leaves plastered on her skin or someting.
It probably resembles it. Ha, ha, ha! Not funny. Over
it she has this weird black sequin-infested dress and a ratty old coat over that.
Warmers: She's got these really weird legwarmers. They're, like, shiny
silver, one goes up all the way to her thigh, and the other is rolled all
the way down her ankle.
Tail: It's just one of those lone pieces of fuzzy things. Uh, if you
don't know what I'm talking about you'll know it when you see it. It's the
same thing that's around her neck, and she has the longest tail in the movie.
Shoes: One quote comes to mind: "There's no place like home, there's
no place like home." *clicks her heals together and giggles* You need help.
Grizabella receives...
The Tear-jerker Award!
The Limp Award!
The Weird Hair Award!
The Grizzly Bear Award! Haha. Get it? Grizzly bear? Her ears do look like a bear's.
Elaine Paige in the original London production.
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[video Grizabella image, the first Memory]