PouncivalIf he went out with Rumpleazer: Uh, does he like orange hyperactive teenagers who have a fetish for pearls? ...YEAH! Profile: POUNCIIIIII!!! POUNCI POUNCI POUNCI POUNCI POUNCIIIIII!! Oh, great. Here we go again. Hehe. ^_^ Pouncival is the cutest male that ever walked the earth. But I thought you said Alonz--- *covers his mouth* Cute as in kitten cute. Alonzo's cute as in hot cute. He's also the third leader of the Jellicle Tribe! I thought this was supposed to be about Pouncival. Oh, yeah. What would you do without me? Party. Have fun. Sorry I said anything. Alrighty then. Pouncival's cute. That's all I have to say. Mmmmmmmm...yeah.... Oo! Forgot to mention something! He also wants to grow up to be like Tugger. Although I can't imagine him pulling off the belt and collar...or the lepoardskin unitard for that matter....Well, he's a dreamer, what can I say? Names: After hours of studying and pondering, I have come to the conclusion that he has no family name....Unless he wants to be called George, but I think that's already taken anyway, so =Þ. Nicknames: Pounce, or POUNCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! Age: Kitten; same age as Tumblebrutus and Etcetera. Parents: Uh...no clue. Random Facts: Costume: Pouncival receives...
[border of video Naming of Cats] |