It Wasnae Me!

Due to the general ineptitude of the regular DKY DJs, the management team soon realised that these guys needed help. To prevent the tunes from getting too monotonous and repetitave each week, they figured an extra DJ would do the trick. Thus, the concept of the weekly guest DJ was born! But just who could provide such a role.......

At first the DKY management team looked to pull in favours from friends and associates around the club scene, but slowly, as word spread that the Sunday club was looking for DJs, several "wannabe's" appeared from out of the woodwork and a long list of possibilities was drawn up. Over time, established DJs from other clubs also realised that guesting at DKY would be the ideal opportunity to let their hair down and play stuff they actually wanted to hear or experiment with new material.

Currently, the majority of the DJs from the other alternative clubs are pestering us for a chance to be a DKY guest DJ as are a whole mob of random nobodies that think they can do better. Thanks to the DKY guest set a few potential stars of the future have had their chance to find their true calling and no doubt, there will be more. Here are a few examples of the many people who have attempted to impress the DKY going public.

Andy - Andy works in the "24 hour"(my arse!) shop near to DKY HQ. This meant that the management team saw him on a regular basis while squandering, ummm, investing DKY funds! Wisely! Andy was also a regular at the club and managed to win over the DKY staff by telling them that on the night he was guest DJ he would be hosting an after party in his flat with lots of cheap alcohol that he'd chored, ummm, aquired from his shop. It sounded like a good deal to us - party for DJ slot. How could we say no! Rock n' Roll!!

Brian - To keep up relations with our student friends, we thought it would be wise to get someone from the EDG&R society to guest DJ. We're not quite sure what Brian does for EDG&R but he would certainly look good in someones front garden.

Claire - We at DKY like to do our bit for worthy causes and Claire has been involved with so many failed clubs that we thought it might be nice to let her try DJing at a successful one. Sadly we couldn't find a successful one that would take her so we let her do DKY instead.

Dave Smith - Dust Dave, Mission Dave, Diamond Dave, Dave Dave, Dave Smith Dave, Poet Dave, Dons Dave, The Bostic Swan Dave and on one night, DKY Dave. What more can we say - oh yeah, he also taught us all he knows about how to DJ. His guest set turned out to be so good that we decided that if by any chance, DKY ever needed a replacement regular, he would definately be at the top of the list! But then, what would be the chances of Ali being driven out????? (Not that we tried to drive him out of course)

Duncan - To keep up relations with our student friends, we thought it would be wise to get someone from the EDG&R society to guest DJ. We're not quite sure what Duncan does for EDG&R but he probably wouldn't look good in someones front garden. (for those who haven't realised, this site is usually updated in the middle of the night when we haven't had much sleep. It's 04:25 at the moment!!!)

Duncan - Everyones favorite retired DJ. Well, ours anyway. Duncan was one of the original DJs at Dust, Rebel Yell and Re-incarnate and was also a regular DJ at the old Mission. Oh, and he's a really nice guy too. Luckily for us, we have managed to coax him out of retirement specially to do the odd guest slot at DKY.

Dunk, Big - Regular DJ at The Mission, Zealous and Asylum and also a local gig promoters Dunk is one of the big men in the scene. Literally. Having done his bit to promote clubs and bring bands to the Edinburgh area, he thought it was time he had a go at this DKY lark. We asked him along and allowed him to do his thing.

Euan - ex-Dysfunction and Zealous DJ Euan was always keen to strut his stuff at DKY and we asked him along a couple of times to DJ and he duly obliged. Alas, Euan is no longer with us, but some of his appearances at DKY will not be forgotten and many of us may like to remember him as he is seen in our Bad Taste Gallery of pictures. Which will be on-line soon. Promise!

Ian V - old school gumby metal bloke! Wears bandanas!! been on 15-1! MEEEETAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!

Iqy - nu skool gumby metal bloke. Enjoys a smoke. Eats pies! Makes a convincing girl! NU MEEEEETAAAAALLLLL

Jane - Oh God, WHY!! Sometimes you realise that when Ali is concerned - it could have been worse! but we love her really and she's not that bad really. Jane was our first ever guest DJ and the only way was up from there.

Laura - The DKY success story. Laura was a regular guest at Dysfunction when it was at the Attic. On the strength of this we asked her to guest DJ at DKY. She was delighted to be asked, but even more delighted to discover that her DJing talents had been spotted during her guest set and after this, she became a DJ for Mission Jnr.

Lee - Irishman Lee is a regular DJ at both Dysfunction and Asylum where he DJ along side DKYs very own Yoddly Beast. He has also been a regular punter at DKY over the years and as a combination of understanding the DKY music policy and being an experienced DJ he has happily agreed to guest for us on several ocasions.

Liz - Worth a go or two so we thought, why not! Oh yeah, she DJs at Keroscene when not studying for exams.

Matt - Not only is Matt regularly seen doing the door at DKY but he also lives here at DKY HQ so we have heard his music collection and new that he would make an entertaining guest DJ.

Mike, Big - As a member of the DKY staff, we reckoned we would get Big Mike to DJ at a special event. Our Bad Taste Party seemed the best time for him and his choice of records were just bad enough for the night!

Neil - Judas!!!!

Nik - We were in the pub thinking of potential guest DJs and Nik was there too. So we asked him to guest and he bashfully agreed. He turned out to be rather interesting so we got him in for the first two Goth nights and as a guest in his own right.

Ross - Ross "runs" the Edinburgh Metal Scene website and therefore we realised this man equals free publicity. We were willing to sell our souls and he even turned out to be quite good when he finally turned up.

Roy - The Body

Sander - Sander is a mutual friend of all at DKY HQ. Upon a trip to his flat for some refreshments, we observed his vast musical collection. We then realised that his is more awful than ours and we'd be daft to not let him torture the eardrums of our adoring masses! So we did.

Smelly - Having had Smelly on the staff for ages we realised we really should find him something to actually do. It was decided that as Smelly was at the club every week it would be handy if he brought his CDs with him just in case the Guest didn't turn up. This proved to be a stroke of genius as many people in this scene seem to have the memory of a dementia suffering fish.

Steve - Dave was pissed! Steve, being the barman at the 1/4 Gill was in an ideal position to seize the moment and ask him for a guest slot. Only on the night did we find out that Steve's ex-girlfriend had stolen his CDs and taken them to Fife. Steve still managed to play a rather good set with his 3 CDs but then Jordi's case did seem to be open.

Stu-Mac - Yet another member of staff that doesn't seem to actually do anything. Quite a reasonable Guest though.

Tommy - The Legend. When the DKY managment team first started going to the Mission Tommy was The Man. Later we realised that he was really just a DJ and that's nothing to be proud of. On the other hand Tommy is a master of the Microphone.

Tony - The other DJ at the Mission ie. not Dunk or Craig. The only people who seem to know who Tony is seem to be those who can remember when Dust was in its element. Tony has also been the regular DJ at numerous clubs that are no longer running including The Old Mission.

Wally - where is he??? At K2 most Wednesdays and behind the decks at DKY on numerous ocassions.

Wiz - It's that girl that you give your money to every couple of weeks. She's also been a regular DJ at Dust and a close friend of the DKY managment for years. Oh, and she's cute!

This is by no means a complete list of all the guests we have had but it's most of the ones we actually had anything to say about. We will of course be continuing to have Guest DJs each week including return visits from the best of our previous guests and some new faces.