Jordi AKA Yodd


Jordi was born back in 1977 on May 19th in Edinburgh. After spending a brief 6 month spell living in Spain, he was brought back to live in the East End of Edinburgh where he remained for the rest of his young days!

Jordi became known in the alternative scene around 1997 when he was most commonly known as "Jane's boyfriend" due to the fact that he didn't speak much, but just shook around the small amount of hair that was on his head and badly plucked the string of his trusty old air guitar! Unfortunately the trusty old air guitar only had one string. And he never learned how to get it in tune! However, after being dragged along to many parties, he soon became a well liked chappie who was generally regarded as being a friendly chap. Just a shame he couldn't properly play that air guitar!!

As time moved on, Jordi became more a part of the scene, discovering that the Rocking Horse had three floors was his first major step! Discovering that all three floors played closer soon made him realise that he could quickly become bored listening to the same songs every week! Hence he waved bye bye to Tommy and descended (or is that ascend since it was upstairs) upon the Goth floor! However, to avoid depression, he definitely this time descended towards the Indie floor. But two weeks of being starved of metal drove him back to Tommy where he was happy to shake his hair and twang the air guitar to the Wombles, Reservoir Dogs and the entire Full Monty soundtrack! Raaar - Metal!

The next development in his life came when he discovered mid-week clubbing and the tunes of Dust every Thursday called his name. Jordi was a hardened regular at Dust for one week when he realised that Goths were a miserable bunch and staying in bed on a Thursday night was a much better idea!!!! About 6 months passed by when he returned to the Thursday night extravaganza, but something had changed - it was good! So he returned only to give in to the delights of his bed again and abandon the mid-week club scene! But soon something else changed! He became single and was a free man! Every club was at his mercy and the dancefloor wasn't prepared for the onslaught it was about to get (get in a further year or so)! Now established as a member of the "in" crowd there was to be no holding Jordi back! The only thing to stop him would be the Venue closing! Fuck!!!!!


The metal/alternative scene as we knew it was thrown into an insane period of only one club! Dust, every Thursday at Calton Studios. The Mission would soon be following suit and, although no one realised at the time, it was about to become a second home for the sweaties of Edinburgh! Finding the new location more convenient to get to (remember - this lad is East-end Edinburgh scum) he found himself often able to be fashionably late and wait for the warm welcomes he received from everyone upon his entrance! Jordi was indeed, popular! He took this opportunity to explore the backsides of many people! And sometimes other bits! He got away with it! He was Jordi - nothing could stop him!!!!!

Every second Saturday and every Thursday the wooden floorboards of the Studios received a hefty pounding from his hefty size 10s! Yes - Jordi had advanced from head shaking. His mum had binned the old air guitar and he discovered that he had legs. And they moved!!!!! Although not very much or very far.

Soon another towel was thrown into the ring of his working/early morning life when a new Wednesday night club began - Keroscene! This club was built on the principles of shaking your head and twanging your air guitar! Jordi would have to invest in some new equipment to twang with! Soon the numbers of Dust levelled out (after surviving another Thursday night club at Wilkie House) and Keroscene went from strength to strength the vultures began to gather to see if they could screw people out of more money at another mid-week club at the Studios! Who would be the first to claim that stake!!!!!

The first was a young, sad, alcoholic with a love of Old Skool metal, named Ali. He wished to begin an Old Skool metal club on Sunday nights, but he needed help. Being a bit unpopular, he needed the help of someone that, well, basically, knew anyone! He turned to Gareth, a man who would almost happily resort to begging people to come to a club he ran - out of sympathy due to the fact he ran it with Ali! Gareth soon realised that an Old Skool metal club might not be what the scene was looking for and something would have to be done. He also realised that Ali may have lots of "unusual" or "unworkable" ideas and he would need help to out-vote him on these instances! He also reckoned that he would need someone with a few CDs as well. In came Jordi - the perfect candidate! He was wasting his Sunday nights at the Subway West End, often with Gareth and Gareth put 2 and 2 together to realise that he needed another drink! After a musical discussion with Jordi, Gareth realised he was the man for the job and quickly enrolled him into the team that would set up this Sunday night club. Now the only thing that was missing was a name and a venue, but these were just minor details!


The name was soon picked after a drunken discussion between Jordi, Gareth and a few others, we had misplaced Ali, ah well. Shit happens! WDKY was decided upon! However, this wasn't catchy enough so the W was dropped and DKY was born. A quick talk with the owner of Calton Studios and Edinburgh now had an Old Skool metal club for Sunday nights. The only problem DKY now had was that most fans of Old Skool metal were dead, in retirement homes, drunk, or had work on a Monday morning and the music policy might have to be slightly tampered with. But only slightly. Another night came when Ali was accidentally misplaced. Ooops! Gareth and Jordi used the time well to agree that in general most forms of metal, some industrial, a fair dab of Goth, some dance music and some classic cheese (look these guys went to the Subway - OK) was the best musical policy! Or in other words - whatever would get the buggers up to dance!!!

DKY was born - the music policy was set the only final problem was no one knew how to actually DJ. Oh, or run a club, promote a club, set up a room, soundcheck, use earphones or basically do anything apart from twang air guitars! A quick crash course from Dave Smith (more on him later) 10 minutes before the opening night and the lads were ready to go! Gareth would watch the door. Ali would watch Jordi. And Jordi would, well DJ for about the first 3 hours of DKY. The time was right to let the 10s of, well, 10 hear all the tracks that they should be listening to!!!! Not many of them agreed! Over the weeks Ali tried to persuade them all to listen to Old Skool metal. Not many agreed. Gareth tried to persuade them to listen to whatever he listened to. Not many agreed. And eventually, Jordi took the decision to play some music that maybe the punters want to hear! His example was followed by Gareth and the crowds came rolling in! It soon became well known that the classic Old Skool metal half hour would take place during the first half hour of every night so the crowds began to gather in the club specially for 11.30 on the dot! For some reason (probably genius on his part) Jordi was spotted as being a decent DJ for making people dance and soon got asked to guest at various other clubs.


After 3 days of DJing experience Dave Smith, the top Goth, the head honcho of the alternative scene in Edinburgh, the man responsible for Dust and the New Mission, asked Jordi to fill the shoes of Tony, a well established and resident Mission DJ, at Dust. Rather foolishly, Jordi agreed. He was the metal man for the night! Put on at a peak slot, Dust cascaded towards one of its biggest crowds as over 100 piled through the door. With only one fuck up all night, Jordi got lots of approving nods from the drunks at the bar.
Fame spread and Jordi was brought in to do Dust again, and again filling in for Tony, Ian and Wiz on separate occasions! And even doing an impromptu set where he simply turned up, was asked to DJ and used Dave’s case for the night!

Fame was surely just around the corner and then, it happened. The Mission, the biggest rock night in Scotland, needed a guest DJ, as Tony couldn't make it. Dave knew there was only one man for the job. But, unfortunately, Rocka Billy was living in London, so Jordi was the only other alternative! With helpful advice from Craig (don't kill the fookin' dancefloor!), Jordi went to work! Imagine 400 angst filled teenagers banging their heads in unison to Five! Again the drunks at the bar nodded approvingly and against all better judgement on Dave’s part, he asked Jordi to do the Mission again! As fame spread Jordi found himself guesting at more clubs until the time came when someone else had the idea for a new club. An 80s club. Jordi was known to enjoy clubbing at the Citrus Club and often played some 80s when he DJed. He was top of the list when asked to help out. Unable to think of a reason not to do it, Jordi was brought onboard the ship Electric Barbarella.


With a wealth of varying DJ experience under his belt Jordi has now taken the decks at DKY, Electric Barbarella, Dust, The Mission, Dysfunction (both at the Venue and the Attic), Keroscene and also did his bit for charity when he DJed at the Dysfunction charity night. He has also suggested many great potential theme nights for DKY and is always bursting with great ideas. As any regular could tell you, Jordi, is simply the bollocks and why Radio 1 hasn't yet been in touch is merely their problem!

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