Kirsty AKA Midget

A brief history of Kirsty (will be here when we finally find out some stuff about her)

In early 2003 it became increasingly obvious that The Infamous DJ Dave was feeling the strain of DKY followed by 9 o'clock lectures too much and would soon have to stop doing one of them. Unfortunately his eduction came first but he did go to the bother of finding us a replacement for him. Luckily Dave also runs The Mission, Asylum and Mission Jnr so finding a replacement wasn't too hard. Kirsty had been djing at Mission Jnr for quite a while and impressing a lot of important people (including Dave). It was decided that this was the ideal time for us to snap Kirsty up as she was nearing her 18th birthday and therefore about to become leagally able to dj a proper night club rather than the under 18s night she was doing. Kirsty still fills floors with children at Mission Jnr but she is now doing the same thing for the adults (phisically if not mentally) at DKY and it's thanks to her that we had our first 90s night.

Unfortunately, as Kirsty is relatively new to DKY, very little is known about her history. We will be asking her to write a brief history and as soon as she's finished we will post it here. It shouldn't be too hard 'cos her history is several years shorter than Gareth's or Jordi's. ; )