June 23 - June 24-July 2 - July 3 - July 4 - July 5
Well, it seems I either forgot to write holiday journal entry last year, or chose not to. I don't recall. In any event, last June my sister and I moved from Ohio to Bangor, Maine. I don't recall if she was here on the 4th of July or not. Maybe she was at work most of the day... or maybe she went to New Sweden for the holiday. All I know is I was here, and was alone at least most of the day. Which is nice. Can't say I recall doing much of anything. Except walking to Save a Lot in Brewer, though I didn't have much money. I'm sure I bought something, though. Just can't think what. I'm sure it was all dreadfully boring, but whatever.
This year, however, we're both planning on going to New Sweden for the holiday. Today I bought a couple packs of morning glory sparklers. And I did some tinkering with an Avatar: The Last Airbender AMV I had basically made the other day, set to the 1812 Overture. After I finished making some minor yet time-consuming alterations, and added end credits, I posted it on YouTube. It's a short version of the overture, a little over 4 minutes instead of 17 minutes, which would've been too long for an AMV, and certainly too long to post on YouTube. Anyway, the music I downloaded to make it is apparently by Trans-Siberian Orchestra, though I tend to expect their work to be more sort of new-agey techno, or whatever. But this seemed like a pretty straight interpretation of the piece, so it makes me wonder if it's really them. You never can tell with stuff you get off P2P programs, but whatever. Well, I guess that's all to say for now. I'll try to remember to post more updates in the next couple weeks.
What to say? It was nice to see some family. There's my cousins Luke, Karsten, Torry and Matty Treu, their little sister Britta, and their parents, Nancy and Kris. They're visiting for the summer from Ohio. Also our cousins Josh, Matt, and Jessica Burden. And of course our own parents, and grandparents, and for a little while around Midsommar Uncle Wayne and Aunt Kathleen, and um, Uncle Alan and Aunt Brenda, and you know, just scads of others. Plus people I don't even know. Okay, we're getting beyond the nice part, what with my hating large groups of people, social anxiety and depression and all that. But it was nice to see the Treu boys and the Burdens, certainly. And Kathleen, who I barely know, seems pretty cool. I also wanted to say that Britta's never really felt like speaking to me or anything before, but she's like 5 now I guess, and actually spoke to me a bit this summer, which was nice. But she also liked my tiger, Gnarls... then again, everyone likes Gnarls. You can see him on my plush page. Meanwhile, I read some magazines and finished up "On a Pale Horse," so I should soon start reading "Bad Twin." What else to say? There were some campfires at the lake, a few nights, that was nice I guess. Except for my social anxiety and depression. But whatever. We also played some board games and stuff, like Settlers of Catan and Apples to Apples. I should also say that for a few nights, I stayed at my grandparents' camp at the lake, along with my sister and mother. And of course, the Treus have the camp next door. It was pretty cold the first night I stayed, but it was better after that. Still not warm, though.
At some point on this day, my sister forced me to go kayaking, which I'd never done. I must say, I prefer canoeing. And I don't really like canoeing. Nope, I definitely ain't a member of the Water Tribe. Later, there was a campfire at the neighboring camp, the Conroys. Mr. Conroy, me, Beth, the Treu boys (and Britta for awhile) and a couple of girls, Hannah and Amber, who I don't really know. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. We all watched fireworks which another camp was setting off, since I guess they thought it would rain on the 4th. It was supposed to rain all week, and had been raining quite a bit for a few days. Rained some on the third, too, but then it got nicer. Looked like they spent thousands of dollars on those fireworks. Very nice, but eventually I got tired of them. They depressed me and even started to annoy me. Not that that's saying much. That's just how I am. It's not the fireworks' fault. Oh, and I had a couple bottles of Summer Ale from Casco Bay. Well, not sure if I can think of anything else to say.