tek's rating:

The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, on Disney+
Atomic Cartoons; Disney+ Wiki; IMDb; Lucasfilm; On Disney+; TV Tropes; Wikipedia; Wookieepedia

This is the first CGI Lego Star Wars special on Disney+, but it's the third one I watched. (It came out in 2020 and I saw it in 2022.) I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this special. It's set on the first Life Day after the defeat of the First Order, following the events of The Rise of Skywalker. Rey and her friends have gone to the planet Kashyyyk to celebrate the holiday with Chewbacca and his family. Meanwhile, Rey is trying to train Finn at using a lightsaber. It's not going as well as she'd hoped, so she goes to look through the Jedi texts again, and finds one that tells her about a key that can be found in a Jedi temple on planet Kordoku, which she hopes could help her train Finn. So she goes there with BB-8, while her friends prepare for the Life Day party. The key opens portals in space and time, and she witnesses many events from throughout the Star Wars saga. Unfortunately, during the events of Return of the Jedi, the Emperor and Darth Vader see Rey, and the Emperor orders Vader to follow Rey and obtain the key.

And... that's all I want to say about the plot. But it's all really funny and wild and it's a pretty amazing adventure.

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