Tool Lyrics-Salival

Third Eye
Timothy Leary sample:

Think for yourself
Question authority

Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening,
terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in
this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities, the political, the
religious, the educational authorities who attempted to comfort us by
giving us order, rules, regulations, informing, forming in our minds their
view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and
learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness;
chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.

Think for yourself.
Question authority.

(continues, see lyrics to "Ænima")

Part of Me

(see lyrics to "Opiate")

Maynard's monologue:

We've been trying something a little different this tour.
We've been looking at one of our songs
From a different angle, under a different light,
So we can hopefully kind of see it almost for the first time.
We'd like try that for you tonight, is that okay?

We're gonna need your help though.
We're gonna need your help
And your permission,
So we need you to find a comfortable space,
That is not only comfortable,
But vulnerable.
I want you to shut your eyes and go there,
And we'll meet you on the other side...

(see lyrics to "Ænima")

Message to Harry Manback II
Stronzo (1), stronzo di merda (2)
I'm trying to take a nap but
I couldn't sleep overnight because of you.
Ugh, you really hurted me,
Ohhhh you really hurt me
When I was high,
You called me an asshole?
Talk to me fai schifo (3)
Pezzo di merda (4)
Have you ever been trying to take a nap?
My heart beats too fast
Because I'm thinking of your fucking ugly face
Youyou suck
Fai schifo (3)
Pezzo di merda (4)
Fai con tu schifo (5)
Vafanculo (6), ah
Stronzo bastardo (7).

1 - Piece of shit / asshole (as in a person who isn't very nice)
2 - Shit of shit / asshole of shit
3 - You are disgusting
4 - Piece of shit
5 - ??
6 - Go take it in the ass
7 - Bastard piece of shit / Bastard asshole

You Lied
Setting sun can't shine, now you're gone
Inside sleeping, my heart beating
You know that you tried to hide it
Couldn't you have said what you meant? Oh...

Time heals, time congeals around us
Endless hours of wasted moments
Understanding, not demanding
Your eyes tell what you feel inside

Setting sun can't shine, now you're gone
Inside sleeping, my heart beating
You know that you tried to hide it
Shouldn't you have said what you meant?


(No lyrics)


[it's / having / in] some kind of psychedelic experience.

Our body is light, we are immortal.
Our body is love, we are eternal.

Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, without judgment.

No Quarter
Lock the door, kill the light.
No one's coming home tonight.
The sun beats down and don't you know?
All our lives are growing cold, oh...
They bring news that must get through.
To build a dream for me and you, oh.

Locked in a place where no one goes.

They ask no quarter
They have no quarter.

Lock the door, kill the light
No one's coming home tonight

It's getting colder (7x)
Locked in a place where no one goes.

Lock the door, kill the light
No one's coming home tonight

They bring news that must get through.

Locked in a place where no one goes.

We have no quarter
We have no quarter
We ask no quarter


(dialtone, touch-tone dialing, ring, ring)

Thank you for calling the Los Angeles Municipal Court.
This is an automated system that can handle most inquiries.
If after using this system, your question is not answered,
please, stay on the line
and a representative will be with you shortly.

If you are calling from a touch-tone phone, please press 1.
If you are calling from a cellular phone, please press 2.
If you are calling from a pay phone, please press 3.
If you are calling from a car phone, please press 4.
If you are calling from a secret-spy phone, please press 5.
If you are calling from a princess phone, please press 6.
If you are calling from a car fax, please press 7.
and If you are calling from a rotary phone, please, stay on the line

Make your selection at any time.

(touch-tone 1)

Make your selection at any time.

(three touch-tone 1's)

For information in English, please press 1.
For information in Spanish, please press 2.
For information in Japanese, please press 3.
For information in Chinese, please press 4.
For information in Dutch, please press 5.
For information in Latvian, please press 6.
For information in French, please press 7.
For information in Yiddish, please press 8.
For information in Ig-pay Atin-lay, lease-pay ress-pay ine-nay.

(touch-tone 1)

If you are responding to a notice from the City Attorney's office, press 3.
To check the amount due on a parking ticket, press 4.
If you believe you are ticketed in error because your disabled person
placard or your preferential parking permit was clearly displayed, or
your vehicle is disabled, press 5.
For all other traffic related matters, press 6.

(long touch-tone 6)

Please make a selection at any time.

(three touch-tone 6's)

For traffic school information, press 1.
For payment inormation, press 2.
For court locations, press 3.
For general ticket and warrant information, press 4.
For court appearance and bail information, press 5.
For traffic court appointment information, press 6.

(four touch-tone 6's)

If you need to make a traffic court appointment, please press 1,
unless you have not filled out a DD form 3018, in which case,
please press 2. To receive a blank DD form 3018, please come
down to the Los Angeles Municipal Court building during normal
business hours. If you have filled out DD form 3018, but have
not reported to the City Attorney's office, please press 3.

If you are not receiving physical therapy but have a relative that
voted 'no' on Proposition 187 * and have collected a notarized waiver
from said relative, and have attached said waiver in triplicate to
said form, please press 4, unless of course, said relative is not
a naturalized citizen, in which case, please press 5.

If you are receiving physical therapy from a naturalized citizen but
have not voted 'yes' or 'no' on Proposition 187 and have not reported
to the City Attorney, but have filled out form DD 3018, please
press 6.

Of course, if you have not had your eyes tested by your local
Department of Motor Vehicles in the last three years, in which case
press 7. If you have had your eyes tested AND voted 'yes' on
Proposition 187, and have your DD form 3018 filled out and
have already reported to the City Attorney but have never been called
in for jury duty, press 8.

(touch-tone entry)

Make your selection at any time.

(here begins the touch-tone frenzy)

Make your selection at any time.

The system is waiting for a touch tone entry.
The system is waiting for a touch tone entry.

There is a possibility that you have made an error in selecting your message. Please try again.

The system is waiting for a touch tone entry.

There is a possibility that you have made an error in selecting your message. Please try again.

I'm sorry, but we are unable to interpret your request.
Please call back during normal business hours.

(CLICK ... sound of dialing)

Thank you for calling the Los Angeles Municipal Court.
This is an automated system that can handle most inquiries.
If after using this system, your question is not answered,
please, stay on the line
and a representative will be with you shortly.

(fades out on)
If you are calling from a touch-tone phone, please press 1.
If you are calling from a cellular phone, please press 2.

* Proposition 187 was a Californian measure put to the voters, aimed at
preventing illegal immigrants from obtaining welfare and other social
benefits. Californians voted yes to it in 1994, although its
enforceability and legality in the US appear to be under question.

Maynard's Dick

[Estimation, possible errors....]

It's all an open center
Opens up and lets the wind lift him away
It doesn't have to feel water
Let's just embrace the feel like that
Kinda like the way you're breathing
I kinda like the way you keep looking away
Would you like to glide on
Slide a mile six inches at a time on Maynard's dick

There's a shyness found in reason
Apprehensive influence swallow away
You seem to feel abysmal take it
Then you're careful brace for sure
Kinda like the way you're breathing
Kinda like the way you keep looking away
Would you like to climb on
Climb on my six inches and go down on Maynard's dick

Took you out in the back of the toolshed
Put it right on top of your forehead
Took you out in the back of the toolshed
Now you know what you're fuckin' with...Maynard's dick

Lyrics by Maynard James Keenan

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