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Two lovers

A tongue in the mouth of a snake
Spikes out to investigate.
Smell, taste, feel.
Heat and fluids absorbed
Shared by the beings
Intertwined they are in their selves
Every sense of being
The light in the room from a candle
And the muted television
Skinemax on-
The flickering of color on the wall reflecting
The wooden floor is cast with shadows
And colors
And light
And clothing of the tangled lovers.
The key in the lock of the door
So as to prevent unwanted company
The window open to let the music and sounds
Of the city inside.
Sweat soaks the sheets and miscellaneous bedding
The shadows become one, and then two, and then one again
And then simply a contour on the wall;
Floating with the waning light of the candle
Lovers sleep.