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DIAMOND: Brings fierceness, strength and fortitude. Strengthens friendships and protects from evil, disease and plagues. If set in gold it drives away night monsters... When stolen attracts negative vibrations. Diamonds require cleaning often.

Six sided luckiest square brings balance and harmony triangular disharmony and friction.

Compiled by Lady Hathor - The Silver Circle - Toronto, Ont.


DIOPTASE: Strengthens cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Excellent aid for ulcers, nervous stomach, heart troubles, blood pressure. Vitalizes, balances, tones body/mind. Emotional stability. Peach of mind. Excellent for use with healing and affirmations. Abundance, prosperity, progress, health, well-being.

By Legion of Light



SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Emerald is a type of Beryl, Beryllium aluminum silicate, frequently with some sodium, lithium and cesium. It's chemistry is Be3Al2Si6O18. Beryls range in color from Bright green (emerald), blue, greenish blue (aquamarine), yellow (golden beryl), red, pink (morganite) to white. The streak is colorless. It's hardness is 7-1/2 to 8. The crystals are Hexagonal and they are common. Fine emeralds have velvety body appearance; their value lies in their even distribution of color. Inclusions are common in emerald, but other stones of this group are usually most valuable when free of flaws.

ENVIRONMENT: Beryl develops in pegmatites and certain metamorphic rocks. It occurs with quartz, microcline, and muscovite in pegmatites, and with quartz, muscovite, and almandine in schist of regional metamorphic rocks.

OCCURRENCE: Best emerald comes from Colombia. (NOTE: it is not necessary to spend thousands of dollars for a tiny chip of emerald to add to your healing/ magical collection. If you look around in rock shops, you may be able to come across some "less than perfect" stones that aren't faceted.

NAME: The name is from the Greek [beryllos] indicating any green gemstone.

LEGEND and LORE: Emerald is considered a birthstone for the month of May.

"Who first beholds the light of day,
In spring's sweet flowery month of May,
And wears an Emerald all her life,
Shall be a loved, and happy wife."

MAGICAL PROPERTIES: "If you wish to bring a love into your life, buy an emerald and charge it with your magical need through your visualization, perhaps while placing it near a green candle. After this ritual, wear or carry the emerald somewhere near your heart. Do this in such a way that it cannot be seen by others. When you meet a future love, you'll know it wasn't the visible jewel that attracted him or her." (3) The Greeks associated this stone with the Goddess Venus. It has come to represent, for many people, the security of love. Emerald, like almost all of the green stones, is also advantageous for business/money ventures.

HEALING: Emerald is said to aid perception and inner clarity. Because of this, they are also associated with healing diseases of the eye, and problems affecting eyesight. It was believed that emeralds could counteract poisons and cure disentary.


1. Scientific, Environment, Occurrence and Name are from (or paraphrased from) "The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals".

2. Legends and Lore, Magical Properties are from "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic", by Scott Cunningham.

3. Some of the healing information may come from "Color and Crystals, A Journey Through the Chakras" by Joy Gardner. Other sources may be "Stone Power" by Dorothee L. Mella.

4. Birthstone poem from "The Occult and Curative Powers ofPrecious Stones" by William T. Fernie, M.D.

Copyright © 2001 Flamewing; The Coven of The Dark Moon. All rights reserved.



FLUORITE: It is here to teach us to be inter-dimensional. Used to advance the mind from one mental reality to the next. Aids in fighting mental disorder and gaining spiritual awakening. Balances positive and negative aspects of the mind. Cleaner, grounds excess energies and helps one work with large amounts of energy. Very focusing. Aids in increasing the assimilation of Life Force into the body. Source of fluoride, strengthens bone and dental tissue.

FLUORITE: Strengthens teeth and bones. Improves absorption of vital nutrients. Beneficial for blood vessles and spleen. Grounds excess energy. Excellent for advancement of mind, greater concentration, meditation. Helps one grasp higher, more abstract concepts. Facilitates interdimensional communication. Powerful healer. Works with chakras and attitudes according to color of stone.

By Legion of Light

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